On the morning of March 25th, Hudson area Democrats were given a taste of just what type of congressman Rep. Barry Finegold would be.
Meeting at the Hudson Portuguese Riverside Club, Middlesex-Worcester Democrats hosted a breakfast where five of the candidates vying for the seat being vacated by Congressman Marty Meehan made their point as to why they would best serve the people of the 5th congressional.
Rep. Finegold quickly introduced the audience to what voters in the Lawrence area have long known – that Barry Finegold, a goal oriented legislator, will fight for what’s important to the people of the 5th.
Energy independence, which Rep. Finegold has long championed as a State Representative, has become a major theme of his campaign. Barry Finegold has recognized that Massachusetts, with its world-renowned universities, has the potential to lead the US towards a more practical and efficient form of energy. The development of Hydrogen Fuel Cells provides an amazing opportunity, both economically and environmentally, for Massachusetts. Barry Finegold made it clear that he would make Energy Independence, specifically through Hydrogen Fuel Cells, one of his top priorities in Congress.
Few candidates talk seriously about Energy Independence, but this audience knew that this issue would certainly be addressed with Rep. Finegold as a member of congress.
Rep. Finegold also spent the remainder of the morning discussing the war in Iraq, as well as the budget, impressing everyone he encountered with his solid grasp of the issues facing both congress, and the people of the 5th congressional. Barry certainly showed himself to be a man with a fire in the belly, necessary of a member of congress.
I didn;t realize Rep Feingold was so gung-ho on hydrogen fuel cells. Where does he propose to get the energy to manufacture the H fuel? Oil? Wind? Gas? Nuclear? Besides the energy source and related sustainability/waste problems, what is Rep Feingold saying about the changes in infrastructure that would be required to switch the nation to H cells? I will admit to not reading much on this in the past few years, so any links to cost/benefit analysis and write-ups of science advnaces would be welcome.
It is not currently available on Barry Finegold’s webpage, but here is an older story about his efforts to create energy independent in Massachusetts.
Disclaimer: I am NOT associated with Representative Finegold’s campaign, but I am Barry’s brother-in-law
Daniel “D.C.” Sachs
D.C.’s Political Report
first, please tag any posts on the 5th district congressional race with “MA-05” in addition to any other tags you use. I’ve added it to this post.
Second, just a reminder: we do request that if you are affiliated with the Finegold campaign, you disclose that fact. Disclosure is not necessary if you’re volunteering.
“Disclosure is not necessary if you’re volunteering.”
But generally, preferred. Knowledge is power!