….an outfit you’ve never heard of called “EQA.”
The Lege created the “Office of Educational Quality and Accountability” in 2000. The basic idea – they get a group of retired teachers, principals, et al to review the management of school districts. Then they issue public reports.
They look at everything. For example, district leaders will tell EQA how they evaluate teachers. Then EQA checks to see if that’s actually what happens.
In 2005, the Worcester School District got a blistering review (pdf).
The district was singled out for the worst category: “Watch.” (Several other diverse, high-poverty districts, like Boston, did not get that designation).
Fast forward to 2007. Lt. Gov Murray has been trying to position the Worcester Superintendent, Jim Caradonio, to become either the next MA Commissioner, or, better yet, to helm a new position called “Secretary of Education.”
A little pothole — the fact that EQA has already cited Worcester for its incompetent management.
Well guess what was one of the ONLY cuts by Governor Patrick in K-12 spending?
EQA. Zeroed out.