We’re all Globe, all the time, I guess …
- First off, Adrian Walker essentially says cut the guy some slack, for cryin’ out loud. I especially love this paragraph:
But this is also an opportunity for the governor. It is an opportunity to focus on the things he really wants to accomplish and stop micromanaging everything else. It is a chance to connect, in a more personal way, with lawmakers and the public. This is obviously a defining moment, and if Patrick can provide public leadership while dealing with his family issue, he could emerge in a stronger position. It’s a campaign, of sorts.
Good advice. It’s important to remember that Patrick has had everyone tell him “Master the Budget”. And if you saw the Q&A session after his budget address in Melrose, you’d come away with the strong impression that in fact, he had. Dan Payne suggested this morning on ‘BUR that this had taken up an enormous portion of his time and energy, and doubtless it shows, for better and for worse. Now, he hasn’t gotten much love for this deficit-year budget, but this isn’t a year to make everyone happy, unfortunately.
So now, even on a more limited schedule, one would hope that he’s got the freedom to get out among jes’ folks and build his brand. And one would hope that his staff is able to allow him to do it. I’m hearing that here are still some significant staffing vacancies in important departments — those need to get taken care of, pronto.
- … And this is just a straight-up love-fest: “Photo Gallery: They still have faith in Patrick.” (link corrected). I mean, what better get-well card could you get?
Thanks for the link to the article.
My thoughts are with the Patrick family during this difficult time. I’m sure they’ll get through this as they’ve been through worse.
Correct link to the photo gallery
And another gallery about Deval’s challenging week
Axing 100K for the blind? How about “pink slipping” hslf the lay abouts in the state house.
Anyone ever worked for the state? Not a lot of supervision and not a lot of oversight. Running out for a three hour “errand ” is not uncommon. The higher you go, the worse it gets. There are state agencies that are diligent and there are state agencies that are so fiscally irresponsible that it is criminal. There is so much grant money that goes out to redundant, unnecessary, or do nothing 401(C)3’s that it boggles the mind.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who would be interested in seeing some evidence of this. Please provide.
There are MANY staffers and aides whose main job duties consist of wandering the halls, chatting aimlessly, and collecting a paycheck.
HOWEVER – there are an equal number who arrive at 7 am and work a 10 and 12 hour day.
What is the differnece?
The work ethic of the Representative they work for.
All aides work for the Speaker, and are issued to Reps like a chair or photocopier. They have no sick time, accrue no vacation time, and have no fixed holidays. Some Reps. often made aides work on Evacuation Day and other Suffolk County holidays because they aren’t ‘real’ holidays. Others are absent for weeks on end, with no consequences.
It’s like that old scene in the West Wing – I serve at the Pleasure of the President. So don’t confuse the effect with the cause – elect a hardworking Rep., and the aimless herds of twenty-somethings will be culled.
or before the election? I can’t decide.
But I did see it coming.