It’s looking like there is going to be a lot of content on BMG over the next several weeks relating to the 5th District congressional race. Several of the candidates have already posted here, as have numerous BMGers from both inside and outside the district. It’s an important race that deserves all the attention it’s getting.
In an effort to make the site a useful resource, I’m going to echo Charley and strongly urge anyone who writes a post related to the 5th district race to use the following “tag” (you insert a post’s tags in the box immediately under the title on the “write a new post” screen):
Some writers routinely tag their posts; others don’t. In this instance, I think tagging is an excellent idea, since it will allow interested readers the ability to quickly pull up all BMG content related to the race.
I will create a new box that will stay on the front page and that will allow anyone to pull up content written by the candidates, as well as content tagged MA-05. Any additional suggestions for how to organize our content on this race would be appreciated!
And will BMG put up any MA-05 straw polls – if only to get a sense of the MA-netroots mindset, understanding that only a fraction of us actually live in the 5th district? Because we do love a horserace!
Repeat (bi?)-weekly. This way, we get nice trends. Consistency is the key.
Look for the first one next week sometime.
One for people who really live in MA-05, and another for we others.
but since this is such a strange (and non-statistically valid) sample of voters — but I’d bet a better cross section of politically active Democrats — blurring us all together might make more sense.
After all, a dedicated volunteer or donor is worth more than a single vote, and those folks will come from all over the state.
David, would it not be more apropros to tag this post with the tag “MA-05 tag” rather than “MA-05”? For clarity’s sake, of course…