A unique take on this issue, cross-posted from BMG homepage comment made by: policycenter, 3/7/07
I have been involved in the HC financing business for over 30 years and I know bad legislation when I see it. The MA reform legislation is some of the worst that I have ever seen. Let me tell you a little story that you should pass on to your MA political types.
I am a Vietnam Veteran and the MA legislation reminds me of a anti-personnel mine that the Viet Cong would set for american infantrymen – it was called a Bouncing Betty. When you stepped on this mine it wouldn’t initially go off until you took you foot off of it and then it would bounce up to waist high and explode.
The MA health care reform legislation is the MA politicians political version of the Bouncing Betty mine.
When the politicians that support this half-assed legislation realize that it is unworkable, it will bounce up and blow their political ambition to bits.
3 words underlie this scenario: Fiscal. Stewardship. Lacking.
that’s a nice recounting of one person’s opinion, but how about backing it up with some factualities & figurinos?
and have been posted extensively on BMG.
As well as on other blogs, on government and academic sites, more places than anyone could ever count, ie like this post over on Daily Kos
Then please consider signing up to help adjust the MA health reform rudder onto a more sensible and successful course with MassCare.org. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” We need your help. Thank you.
It is hard to keep all the plans and arguements straight, and I am not steeped in the controversy like you are. That is why I asked for some info. If you introduce a topic, you should provide at least one link so that ignorant beginners like me can join the discussion. I’ll check out the Kos stuff – thanks.
(since, as the intro. line states, this post is actually another person’s BMG comment, I thought it best to just link to his health policycenter website, and to the comment within the origial thread that also has lots of health reform details)
Iraq war, New Bedford debacle, Health Care Discrimination, Equal Rights for Gays, so much to do… Thanks again for your feedback.
If I were a person in my late 50s, who makes just enough to not qualify for “Commonwealth Care”, I think I’d just not enroll this year. The penalty on next year’s tax return is only about $250.
Then I’d move out of state.
What a shame. Stop this madness.
And as I suspected the Early Education and Care bill is coming back, flaws and all. Another “Bouncing Betty”.