Niki Tsongas checked in to BMG in hopes of becoming the flavor of the month among the politically organized moonbats. She may well be, and in a crowded field that could be enough to win.
In her “brief note” she tells us that George Bush is not leading the country “in a direction that Paul, I, and many of you have wanted us to go.” and “we should not be involved in the Iraq War”
Next up health care and global warming. She is for the former and against the latter.
You get the picture. She managed a shout out to Walter Reed Hospital, Eugene McCarthy, gun control, death penalty, public education, gay marriage, and a woman’s right to choose.
Oh, and did you know she opened the first female law practice in Lowell?
Then the familiar pagan prayer.
“And I have questions for you too–about finding solutions, about who you are, and what we are facing that I might not know about.”
Here’s something you may want to learn about Niki…
Your District! Tell us about district and what you can do for it. How much do you really know about your district? You have been living among us for a long time now. Let’s hear from you.
Your “note” was a laundry list of the same crap.
Most of the voters want more.
But in a crowded field and Kool-Aide drinking organization, she may pull it off.
Go Ryan Go!
C’mon Ernie, give the lady a break. Election day’s a long way off, and she’ll find her footing.
BTW – what exactly do you want to hear from her? Where the earmarks will be? Rather than just bash her, why not give us your laundry list?
actually, ‘There is no glory in outstripping donkeys,’ is a quote by Martial, not Marcus Aurelius.
But really, aren’t plastic candidates so common?
So easy to oppose the Iraq War, global warming. I’m for education and hope. Right to choose versus right to life is really a minor issue in the grand scheme.
EB3 is right. What does the candidate think about real stuff: entitlements are out of control. Agree? If so, how to fix. If not, why not?
The raid in New Bedford was done to arrest people in violation of Federal law. You support any particular plan? Why?
Walter Reed was treating its transition patients poorly. How hard is it to say, treat them right? Global warming is bad, dirt is dirty, sky is blue…zzzzz…
I’m quite tired of empty suits and plastic candidates afraid to stray from focus group. There are so many. Ms. Tsongas is different?
which is why I asked him for his laundry list.
I have never met Mrs. Tsongas, so I reserve judgement on her “plasticity.” I’m not sure why you think she is? Because she didn’t hit every talking point in her posting on this blog?
An election is a journey, Gary – this is probably her first outing. I won’t make any judgements until we hear more from her….and election day is a long way off.
I say, give the lady a break. Time will tell all the rest.
As for empty suits and plastic candidates, tell me how you feel about Mitt? He’s not the same guy who ran here in 2002! I wonder what focus group he’s been listening to?
Re: Mitt Romney. There’s much talk on this Blog about reversals on gay marriage and abortion. I regard those as fringe issues, polarizingly meaningful to a small minority but largely meaningless in the complete measure of the candidate. I think Romney is quite possibly the most desireable candidate for 2008.
You’ve ask, but obviously this is a diversion of the thread, so … carry on.
but it doesn’t make it accurate. Mitt’s reversed himself on a number of issues, which is why he has some Republican chasing him around with beach shoes.
Mitt’s own business plan (true MBA, God bless him) indentified the flip-flopping as an issue. Even Romney’s own spokesman had this to say about the the plan:
“Romney spokesman Kevin Madden would not confirm or deny the plan’s authenticity, saying only that the former governor has received an “overly abundant” amount of input on how to run his campaign. Asked specifically about the contents, Madden said: “If anything, it’s a compilation of political conventional wisdom.”
A compilation of political convention wisdom? Indeed. The business plan also acknowledges that Brand Romney would have the same issues on switching positions that Senator Kerry had.
Personally, I don’t know why Massachusetts Republicans are that into Mitt. He certainly wasn’t that into you. He didn’t build your party, rather, he built himself into a presidential candidate. This is what he intended from the beginning; I don’t think he was ever keen to actually govern Massachusetts. He certainly didn’t stick around long enough for us to find out. At the end of the day – Romney gets what Romney wants – and you guys aren’t even at the table. You’re just the “hired help.” I’d be pretty angy with this guy if he were my candidate.
Why the vitriol towards Niki Tsongas? I don’t live in the district, and I don’t know her, but I thought her introductory post was thoughtful, and I liked her positions on just about everything she mentioned.
This is the first week of the MA-05 campaign. Give her a break, will you? Let’s see how things unfold.
Besides, it’s way past time for our Congressional delegation to include women, don’t you think? There are apparently a lot of good candidates in this race, including two women. It would be nice if one or both of the women emerge as serious contenders.
…every time someone writes on BMG something to the effect “we need to elect a woman to Congress in Massachusetts” we all take a sip of our favorite libation.
I’m certainly sympathetic to the notion of a diverse delegation–whether it’s electing a minority or a woman, but it really is the central theme of Tsongas’ campaign and it’s getting tired real quick.
waiting for a margarita if I had to wait for a woman to be actually elected to Congress.
Frank – the campaign is in its baby steps. I suggest we wait and find out what all of the candidates have to offer. Out of the gate – it’s all about differentiation…but time will tell what else Mrs. Tsongas has in her quiver.
I haven’t met her, but I’d like to see her run on the same playing field as everyone else.
I still have a hangover from the “drink every time someone on BMG alludes or mentions that Deval is a minority” game from last year.
I haven’t seen anything put out by the candidate or her people about that. If anything, there’s been a lack of it. (And I interviewed her on radio, she had the perfect opportunity to bring it up, being surrounded in the studio by two women.) Maybe political junkies on blogs are saying it, and feminists and people who like equality are talking about how embarrassing it is not to have a women in our whole delegation despite our “educated” status, but for heaven’s sake, don’t blame Niki if other people are saying it.
…as far as I know, you are the first pundit attaching that precept to the Tsongas campaign.
My point was let’s see how the campaign unfolds before we start biting her head off. And in the course of things, if she turns out to be one of the best candidates, wouldn’t it be nice to break through the glass ceiling of the Massachusetts all-male Congressional delegation?