Ok, so we’re taking on DiMasi today, and we’re looking at new Senate Prez Terry Murray with something of a jaundiced eye … but progressives have good reason to be quite optimistic about several things.
As the Globe points out again today, Sal put forth a nifty-sounding energy plan the other day: tax credits for hybrid vehicles and solar water heaters, provisions for a “fuel efficient fleet of state-owned vehicles” (Gov. Patrick, this may be a political coup waiting for you … What happened to the hybrid SUV?), etc. etc. In spite of some apparent bon-bons DiMasi threw the utilities’ way, it mostly sounds pretty darned good. I’d love to get an executive summary somewhere.
Also note that some of the money for new clean energy projects will come from utilities paying pollution credits instituted under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, finally signed by Gov. Patrick. See? The logjam against good sense is already breaking.
And on the Senate side, Murray’s main legislative priorities are said to be quality of life issues: “affordable housing, health care, and education.” Yup, those are what’s making life more difficult here. Good to have someone who recognizes that. We’re looking forward to getting specifics from her in the areas of health care costs, promoting responsible housing development, and ed funding.
So, simply by not getting in each other’s way, I’m hopeful that Patrick, DiMasi and Murray can have a pretty productive legislative session. Make it so!
capital-d says
It seems to me that there is much more common ground between Governor Patrick, DiMasi and Murray that the media and many on this blog would have us believe.
Just today the Legislature passed an un-amended bond bill that was filed by the Governor just last week. Yes, I said UN-AMENDED!!! That is a very rare fete in a Legislature that is supposedly all about earmarks and pet projects.
It has been reported that the Speaker intended to file his energy bill back in January but held off because of a request from the Governor to work with him and his Sec. of Environment Ian Bowles. How much of the bill is a joint effort? I have no idea, but it shows a spirit of cooperation.
Of course there are going to be differences (tax loopholes & earmarks) but there will be many more agreements (energy, GIC, gay marriage). As Charley says: optimism!!