The weaponry and explosives being used by terror groups within Iraq were not cooked up in somebody’s local basement. They are far too sophisticated for that, and I think everyone knows it. And the organization and execution of these terror groups is far too sophisticated to attribute to a few young rabble out for their afternoon laughs.
Finally, we pretty well know that we are all tired of the whole mess, and want to clean it up and come home. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am fully aware that many of you would pull us out this afternoon, if you had your way, and force the United States into a rigid policy of isolationism, where military matters are concerned. And your elected cheerleaders in the Congress are constantly caterwauling about getting out, or setting a date certain, or anything else they can think of to make political hay. These boys and girls are acting like anything but grown-ups. But, seriously, just get out? Walk away? I think the world too small a place today for that, and if we irresponsibly leave this to fester, we will likely be dealing with the ramifications of that decision for the next century.
All indications point to Saudi money and citizenry , and Iranian weaponry and explosives as the miscreants, and I’m damned angry that the US, Great Britain and Iraqi governments didn’t get in the face of these two countries and squawk LOUDLY AND PUBLICLY at the most recent Summit in Baghdad.
It is time for Bush & Co., to stop pretending that all of the Saudis are our friends. Those Saudis who are need to bring to heel those Saudis who are not. It is also time to stop pretending that the only threat to our security coming out of Iran is nuclear. Regional peace and stability will never be achieved if the rogue elements within these two countries and not identified and made to behave. Thomas Jefferson, writing in the Declaration of Independence stated that “all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable . . .” Well, the evils are rapidly becoming insufferable, and it is about time we put some persuasive and businesslike suggestions in the ears of those responsible. We are, after all, NOT Israel, we are the United States!
Putting a new guy in charge of American forces in Iraq is a good first step. Cleaning out the rats’ nests is a good second step. Now it is time for Foggy Bottom to get OFF its collective bottom, and go earn their pay. And if and when it becomes clear that Foggy Bottom cannot do the job, perhaps more persuasive means will be necessary.
But we won’t know that until the striped-pants crowd tries, will we?
Suggested Light Reading, References for the above:
http://en.wikipedia…._(nominal).…. http://www.msnbc.msn… http://www.windsofch…….…. http://www.reuters.c….
…you link your assertions of fact to particular source web pages, with specific text reference from the cited sources, I’ll follow them. A general list of reference, no. I’m not going to do your footnoting work for you.
This ocurred as a result of my trying to use footnotes. This posting program, unbeknownst to me at the time, simply lumped everything together, and dissed my footnotes. I didn’t bother to fix it, because the referenced sites are pretty obvious when you get there. Some of them are also pretty durned informative!
raj…. we all know you don’t even read a dictionary when you aregue the definition of “Excise” Tax
So trust me…It’s safe to say that we understand you wont even look at Chumps references.