I haven’t posted here much in the last few months, but I definitely feel the need to publicize this Saturday’s rally to support New Bedford detainees, deportees and families, which I’m going to drive on down to myself. Please join me and thousands of others in calling for a just resolution to this fiasco, and fundamental immigration reform.
Call to Action!
Rally to Support New Bedford Detainees, Deportees, and their Families
Saturday, March 17 @ 2:30 PM
53 North Sixth Street (Corner of Sixth and Elm) New Bedford, MA
This Saturday in New Bedford, families will be holding a huge rally at the federal building calling for the release of all detainees, a congressional hearing on the raids, and immediate passage of humane and fair immigration reform.
It’s time for us to say
going to be just like New Bedford.
Afraid that will cut down attendance.