DailyKos reports today in a piece titled, “The More Speech, The Better:”
It’s good to know that no matter what else may have happened there under new management, RedState.com founder Mike Krempasky has remained on the side of the righteous when it comes to our mutual support of the First Amendment.
As we approach Tuesday’s one-year anniversary of the FEC siding with bloggers over the so-called “reform” lobby, Krempasky’s interview today on CNN’s Reliable Sources with Howie Kurtz sounds exactly like what those on our side of the aisle might note of the Hillary/”1984″ ad and whether anonymity is a problem:
The piece continues with extended quotations from Krempasky advocating more people-powered journalism.
Extremely entertaining outrage ensues in the comments as the fingers-in-ears humming-madly crowd (“Why you feel the need to front-page huge paragraphs about that Limbaugh-licking asswipe is absolutely unexplainable.”) take umbrage.
And it’s reminiscent in some respects of debates that flare up here periodically. It’s worth a read.
…they refused to register me to make comments, after several times trying. There was no “access denied” notification, but it became clear that they wanted to be an exclusive club. Screw.
glowing comments on Justice Sosman