According to the Cambridge Chronicle:
State Rep. Tim Toomey announced he was backing out of plans to run for Senate President Robert Travaglini’s vacated seat.
“I am very happy with doing what I’m doing now and that’s what I will continue to do,” Toomey, who is also a city councilor, told the Chronicle Tuesday.
Please share widely!
Thanks for the vote of confidence GGW.
I heard about this this evening, and on the one hand am disappointed – I was getting into the concept of moving Toomey up to the Senate and electing a new Cambridge/Somerville rep and I think it would’ve been a good thing; on the other hand, relieved, because there are too many elections pulling at me
I’m volunteering for Marty Martinez in the Somerville special election in a couple of weeks and again for the general in May, and by then we’ll probably have dates for the 5th congressional district special…
Hey Cos,
You say you’re working for Marty Martinez? I live in Somerville, but am undecided about who I’m voting for. Can you tell me why I should vote for Martinez? Everyone in my neighborhood seems to have Connelly signs up. Thanks!
Rep. Toomey is a solid progressive and a great public servant that combines the new school progressive values with old ward style politics for the best of both worlds. In his capacity as a city councilor he has helped our family tremendously in these past few weeks since we want a barrier built so our house will not get hit by a sixth car (last week a drunk driver slammed right into our basement) along with Craig Kelley another great councilor who is a first termer. So again he combines the old school knack for constituent services with the new school progressive values, and its too bad since East Cambridge and Somerville deserve representation just as much as East Boston and Revere (such an odd blatantly gerrymandered district!) in any case its too bad he won’t be a State Senator, and also whether or not the open Rep and Council seats would’ve been filled by equally capable public servants, it sure would’ve kept this political junkie on his toes.
FIRST SUFFOLK AND MIDDLESEX. – Boston, ward 1, precincts 1 to 14, inclusive, ward 3, precincts 1 to 6, inclusive, and ward 5, precinct 3, Revere, wards 1 to 5, inclusive, and Winthrop, in the county of Suffolk; and Cambridge, wards 1 and 2, ward 3, precincts 1 and 3, wards 4 and 5, and ward 8, precinct 3, in the county of Middlesex.
Had a chance to speak with a friend who is a Boston Harbor advocate the other day. The person praised Rep. Petruccelli for his work on the Beaches Commission. I worked with his staff a bit on their efforts to put a farmers market down by one of the beaches in Eastie. I’m sure he’ll make the effort to reach out to neighboring communities as well. After all, there are other candidates in the race, but I’m sure he’d do it anyway.