How can the Republicans refloat their leaky boat? One would suppose a good crop of POTUS nominees might help, but… When top and bottom candidates alike keep sucking up to the likes of Pat “[The] feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” Robertson (who is so creepy that other evangelicals are now keeping their distance), well…the future looks a little soggy.
Please share widely!
If we ever have another Inquisition, I hope he’s the first one we burn at the stake.
Wanna know how I think the Republicans can become the bosses again? Stop making assinine decisions at the National level. Hopefully by the time I’m old enough to do something about it, the leaky boat won’t be totally sunk.
I suspect that there are still a core of pre-neocon Republicans out there who are itching to regroup. But how to get out from under the disaster that currently inhabits the White House and that legacy (yet abother Abramoff-related conviction today) will not be easy. I’m glad it’s not my mess to have to clean up, but I’ll sure be happy to see you and others go at it. The world will be a much better place when real republicans run the party again.
…as a vain and intolerant person.
However – oddly enough, he left the Republican Party because of George W. Bush.
When Bush was running in 2000, Robertson wanted him to take positions that Bush didn’t agree with. Robertson said he would ‘split’ the GOP and leave the party and set up his own. Bush said – don’t let the door hit you on your way out. He – and his 12 political followers – left, and Bush went on to win.
I don’t see anything wrong with speaking to the 5,000 students at Regent’s College – but I wouldn’t care if I didn’t have Robertson’s mark of approval.
…conjures up money by bilking widows who have a few dollars, and far less sense, of their money, and then loses money by investing in Liberian diamond mines. Charles Taylor was better at being a scoundrel than Robertson ever was.
But what the hell is this supposed to mean: support for traditional family values has edged down?
Who knows what “traditional family values” are? As far as I can tell, that’s merely a code phrase for “anti-gay.”
From above, earth to JoeTS @ Fri Mar 23, 2007 at 23:06:20 PM EDT, sorry to bring you to reality, but the sad fact is that Republicans at the national level have been making idiotic decisions for as long as I can remember, and that apparently goes back to before you were born. Democrats at the national level haven’t been a whole lot better. But Republicans are better at public relations, in other words, they are better at diverting attention from the issues that matter to hide their lying on those issues. That’s the purpose of their “traditional family values” mantra, a phrase so devoid of meaning as to be totally worthless, but that sounds warm and cuddly to the rubes who make up much of the American electorate.
The sound of a hammer hitting the nail on the head with this post….
The Democrats want to expand social services, protect the environment, combat global warming. They don’t talk so much about the taxes necessary to pay for these things.
The Republicans want to cut taxes, cut taxes, and cut taxes. They don’t talk so much about the services they’ll cut or deficits they’ll dominate to pay for these things.
Both sides play half the song. I side with the Dems, and I am in favor of higher taxes. There, I said it. More taxes please. But, please don’t raise income taxes for anyone just yet… let’s see if we can’t reduce some ag subsidies, increase the gas tax, increase the cigarette tax, fund the IRS better (they and the treasury are the only agencies that can turn money into much, much more money), reduce Medicare costs (without reducing services, a la prescription drugs, etc), and so forth. Not spending a gajillion dollars in Iraq might also save some money to be spent on building up society, not blowing it up. I’m no budget wonk, so I don’t know orders of magnitude on where changes to tax/budget policy will bear fruit.
The Dems offer people “stuff” and the Republicans offer them money. Neither acknowledges that they are attached with invisible strings.
As for non-monetary stuff like, you know, “rights,” the GOP has managed to keep everyone’s eyes off the ball by picking a single issue they can hang their hat on. Gay rights in 2004, immigration in 2006/08. The Dems haven’t been able to channel Orwell in their civil liberties messaging, Neil Diamond in their immigration messaging, or even Pink Floyd in their gay rights messaging (Hey! Gub’mint! Leave those gays alone!). OK, that last one was a stretch.
somehow a “plus” for Dems? is that a “positive”?
Amoral creatures that we Democrats are, we’ll simply take advantage of the demoralized climate to have more babies, raising more Democrats and driving up our vote totals.
the United States around 2023. It will look a lot like Maslows
overpopulated rat maze by then. Excellent! Enjoy!
and then remembered it was actually BF Skinner who was the “rat man” and that “Pavlov” was also a “pioneer”. in any case, as the family “unit” erodes and declines we can look forward to increased daily violence and horror. Secular progressives who view the ‘family” as archaic are already rejoicing at the coming of the “new way”. I think it’s going to unfold like a really nightmarish movie only it will be real…the “Clockwork Orange” is at hand.
If there is an ‘Anti-Christ’ in this world, he/she is a Republican! If this country self-destructs, it is because the Republicans have led the way. Anyone who claims to be a Republican is one of the following:
* Racist
* Religious fanatic; anyone not a Christian is going to hell; but it’s OK to hate and descriminate
* Elitist
* Homophobic
* All of the above
In addition, a true Republican has a love for war, killing, torture and a mean desire to see people suffer.
Any other credentials??
we were going to then burn a poor, gay, black Jew…and then karaoke. You should come. It’s a good time.
…is off to a bad start. head back here, you’ll feel more comfy!