Just heard this on the radio. Good. This whole thing has been handled unbelievably badly, and ICE needs to be called on the proverbial carpet to explain why — the Herald has a story today about how it’s even worse than had previously been reported.
Kudos to the Governor and to the state’s congressional delegation, all of whom have stood firmly on the side of the kids who were caught in the middle of this wretched business.
Please share widely!
raj says
…who is the Representative in the area? Delahunt? What statement has the Rep made, and, if he hasn’t made a statement, why not?
BTW, I consider Kerry to be a worthless pile of crap (I’m exaggerating, but not by much) who should get out of the way so that some Dems could move up into his seat.
jimcaralis says
I heard Delahunt on Tom Finneran’s show a couple of days ago. From what I heard he is activley involved and trying to help.
On Kerry you are exaggerating by quite a bit…
BTW – Finneran’s show has been a pleasant surprise. I would venture to say it is one of the most evenly handed and well thought programs on radio (I do like Eagan and Braude as well…)
raj says
…the only thing I can stomach on 680–the talk station–is the comedy stylings of Howie Cahh, and then only in small doses. Like (as Mike Connors–Mannix) put it a few years ago when he was a guest, the Putz Line.
tblade says
4th District. Here’s his statement.
raj says
…I’ll relate a story about Barney. In 1989 or so, my partner had called his office about an issue. Not a personal one, a policy one, we objected to some policy on which Barney had taken a stand. Later that day–it was a Friday–he called us back personally to discuss it with my partner. We never forgot that.
It doesn’t matter what the issue was, or anything. The fact that the guy had seen fit to call us back personally–not send a form letter, but to call us, and not during an election year–was quite impressive.
I guess he gets re-elected because he actually cares what his constituents think.
peter-porcupine says
stomv says
It seems to stem from a districting philosophy that requires a large number of districts start near Boston and snake outward. 4, 10, 9, 8, and 7 all begin near the Hub. There’s no question that the districts could be more compact, and I hope Massachusetts does make compact districts just as soon as Texas and Arizona clear things up.
raj says
…with regards Texas and Arizona, most of those “districts” that you’re looking at on the maps are populated primarily by cows and tumbleweed, not people.
I would have believed that the district in southeastern MA would have been Gerry Studds’s old district, but I guess it’s been “Gerrymandered” a bit.
peter-porcupine says
…but he never represented the area. He was elected after the district was redrawn over 10 years ago. I guess Boston reporters haven’t noticed yet – maybe they’ll call Joe Early for a quote too!
laurel says
Citizens from elsewhere in the country, especially those elected to gov’t positions, should just put wax in their ears and slivers in theri eyes, because you know, federal immigration issues are none of their f@ckin business! So right you are PP!
peter-porcupine says
And come to think of it, why HAVEN’T we heard from Barney Frank?
laurel says
Before your spout off? Look at tbalde’s post which links you to this.
raj says
…Barney is nothing more than a faggot.
tvted says
Just as long as part of the investigation focuses on why ICE has not being doing many more of these raids. Certainly this can’t be the only place in New Bedford that is hiring ILLEAGLE employees. With or without forged or stolen documentation of their ability to work, the fact is that the people being deported were working with out the legal right to do so. Why doesn’t ICE conduct these raids on a weekly basis. I suspect they could walk into just about any manufacturing plant, restaurant, Fast food place, Shopping mall, any place that needs a number of low skilled workers, and find people violating the work and immigration laws? Why is ICE not in the news on a weekly basis. What have they been doing with all that money spent on their department? A Raid for show, every now and again is NOT what I want to see. I want employers to be shaking in their Gucchi’s that an ICE raid is a likely and expensive thing for them to go through. Their name and company will be all over the paper. Their legal bill will be massive and completely wipe out any possible profit for hiring workers with phony or stolen documentation.
As for the workers who managed to produce an anchor baby to hide behind and use as a shield and excuse for why it’s OK for them to break the law, I say fine, their child can either stay with a relative that IS HERE LEGALLY or they can be reunited with thier parents as their parents are deported. Yes those children are citizens, but thier parents are not. Their is a process they need to go through in thier home country before they can come here. Go back there are start the paperwork. That’s what my wife’s parents did. Why should others get to break into the line ahead of peole who followed the rules.