While doing some online research for something I was writing my blog, I came across this extremely interesting blog about science and the politicization of science, specifically dealing with Climate Change. It’s called Prometheus and it is from the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research which is affiliated with the University of Colorado-Boulder. (I am not being a blog whore, this is not my blog.)
This blog goes through many of the same subjects we discuss here on Climate Change. But the truly interesting part is that the scientist who are conducting this research are having the discussions in the comments section.
A quick example has to do with the recent press releases “New evidence that global warming fuels stronger Atlantic hurricanes“. The author of the blog asserts that the actual paper is being misrepresented and politicized by the press release.
The interesting part is the discussion that goes on in the comments. One quick example is Dr. Peter Webster. Dr. Webster’s work is cited in the IPCC Assessment Reports on the intensity and trending of tropical cyclones. He weighs in on this subject in the blog.