What: Rally Against Global Climate Change
Bands, Speakers, Info, Food and Fun
When: April 14th
Where: Elm Park, Worcester
(and hundreds of other cities)
Why: To mobilize the masses and let our voices be heard, with the goal of making Worcester an example of how a city can reduce greenhouse emissions on a local level.
It’s time for a mobilization effort the likes of which has not been seen since WWII. Changing light bulbs and buying hybrids just isn’t enough. But things are looking up. The subject of climate change is becoming a hot topic (no pun intended). It’s time to facilitate the growing momentum and to put real pressure on our elected representatives.
We will be gathering in Elm Park on April 14th to let our voices be heard. Individually we are weak, but the combined power of the environmentally-aware is a force to be reckoned with, certainly one that cannot go unheard.
Please join us.
There will be bands, speakers, info sessions and local organizations explaining how they are involved in the greening of Worcester. It will be a chance for us to jump start and solidify our local movement, with the goal of making Worcester an example to other cities in MA of how we can reduce greenhouse emissions on a local level.
Hence, Bill McKibben’s call to organize a nationwide day of thousands of rallies on April 14th. Every group will be saying the same thing: STEP IT UP, EVERYONE! In Congress, we need to enact immediate cuts in carbon emissions, and pledge an 80% reduction by 2050. No half measures, no easy compromises-the time has come to take the real actions that can stabilize our climate. In Worcester, we want to be more than half way to oil independence by 2020.
The best science tells us we have ten years to fundamentally transform our economy and lead the world in the same direction or else, in the words of NASA’s Jim Hansen, we will face a “totally different planet,” one infinitely sadder and less flourishing.
Polling shows most Americans know there’s a problem. But the forces of inertia and business-as-usual are still in control, and only our voices, united and loud, joyful and determined, can change that reality.
“The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences.”
-Winston Churchill
Interfaith walk for climate rescue across Massachusetts beginning March 16th in Northampton [http://www.climatewa…] ending in a BIG rally in Boston, Copley plaza on Saturday. Everyone welcome.
The website has the route and all the details.
Sponsors include groups such as: STEP IT UP 2007
Massachusetts Energy Consumers Alliance[http://www.massenerg…]
Interfaith Walk Friends and Endorsers (as of 3/4/07)
Andover Newton Theological School, Ecology Ministry
Center for Ecological Technology
Clean Water Action of Massachusetts
Climate Crisis Coalition
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, Boston Affiliate
Co-op Power
Earth Ministry
EarthSpirit Community
Environmental League of Massachusetts
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
International Association for Religious Freedom, US Chapter
Massachusetts Climate Action Network
Massachusetts Climate Coalition
Massachusetts Conference, United Church of Christ
Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light
Mass Energy Consumers Alliance
Sierra Student Coalition
Step It Up 2007
Union of Concerned Scientists
UU Massachusetts Action Network