Remember, it is not over, until it is over. Also, no one knows yet whether Governor Patrick has the votes to block veto over rides, or whether he can garner sufficient voting blocks to protect any veto he does do.
House One does set the stage, and establish the dialog. Like a ball game, however, no one knows the score until the end of the Seventh inning, and sometimes, not until after over time.
Please share widely!
Do we have a closer? We’ll see…
At least maintain consistency.
Extra Innings
In baseball, all the runs you’ve accumulated count toward the final score. In this, all that matters is what happens in the final inning. Okay, I’m going to dispense with the baseball…
For those who were around during Finneran’s reign, this stuff is nothing new in terms of the House/Sen/Conference workings. But this time we have a Governor on our side so clearly that will help.
The lobbying helps. It is BETTER if you know the specifics but OKAY if you do not. If you learned about the issue on BMG but aren’t, say, an economist, say you read about on BMG. Then the legislators will know that the same source you learned it from will also inform you of who you need to be working against in 2008.
It appears that there will be a vote, so at least we will know who is where.
And a quick story: many people on this blog talk about Carl Sciortino’s 2004 victory as centered around gay marriage. But those of us that were there remember that the most devastating attacks against hack Vinnie Ciampa had to do with votes Ciampa took WITH Finneran and AGAINST the people of the district — just like this vote coming up.
Most people weren’t paying attention at the time of the votes, but the campaign made sure to remind them.
People might view this vote as a loyalty contest for reps between the Speaker and the Governor. But the question before the legislators is actually “are you with DiMasi, or are you with the voters in your districts?”
I can’t wait to see the Roll Call!