Sorry to distract the crowd from the local headlines, but in case you missed it, our former Guv is reported by the WSJ to be trailing badly in the polls.
According to a new WSJ/NBC poll, Romney has the support of only 8% of Republicans, unchanged from December. Giuliani, still in the lead, has picked up 4 percentage points to 38%, and McCain has dropped 5 points to 24%.
The link above may require a subscription, I’m not sure, but the pdf of the entire poll does not.
On the Democratic side, it’s Clinton in the lead with 40% (up 3), followed by Obama (28%, up 10), Edwards (15%, up 1), and Richardson (5%, up 3).
Check out the pdf for other interesting tidbits on the economy and the war. Doesn’t look like 2008 is going to be a good year to be a Republican.
I am wondering if anybody knows what is the factor making him trail?
MFW, how much stock do you put in polls at this point? I’d imagine we’re looking at 5 candidates at least in Iowa, both sides of the ledger. Romney is currently third.
Polls don’t mean a hell of a lot at this point. Mostly name recognition and celebrity status. Still, it’s good to know what the buzz is.
I expect Edwards and Richardson will do better as time passes, but don’t forget this race will essentially be decided this year. Absurd, I know, but unless things change a lot, I would say the GOP candidate has about a snowball’s chance of winning, and the Dem candidate will be known by early Feb. Pretty silly, to elect a Prez a full year before he takes office, but that seems to be where our “system” is taking us.
This election is
Gore’sKerry’sthe next Democratic nominee’s to lose.It is true Gore didn’t lose, but, in a saner world, he would have crushed Bush. In a fairer world, his narrow Florida victory would have counted.
…that Gingrich’s admission that he was having an adulterous affair while pursuing Clington’s impeachment now cements Mitt’s status as ‘the Snow White of the Republican field’.
I intend to do a post about how conservatives outright LIE to pollsters in order to sow confusion. It’s been working for a while now.
Yes, it has. You guys seem quite confused.
For all those that love poll numbers remember Howard Dean was the front runner for over a year in 2002, and then those darn people started voting in the primaries. We have a year (if the reports are correct that NY and CA are moving up their primaries) for these politicos to run around and acquire recognition and hopefully votes. Saying that Mitt has lost traction before a vote has even been given is a little odd. For whatever reasons you will continue to search the web for those instances where he “slips” in some poll ignoring or not wanting to look at other polls where he might be gaining. Always searching for the negative in someone else’s career is bizarre. There’s a long way to go in this one (unfortunately). By my calculations in the year 2053 (November of 2052 will be the election) the primaries will start the day after the inauguration in Iowa. Crazy……
The candidate and man I thought I knew in 2002
Doesn’t seem to exist any more in 2007.
So, for me, sadly, “Whatever happened to the Romney I thought I knew” – the candidate who has changed his position on almost everything I thought he believed in is not one I am interested in even discussing – so baring a development I cannot, at this point, even imagine, this is my last post concerning Willard Mitt Romney.
Actually, nothing against you or your post. Just wanted to say that.
To my recollection, Dean and I were roughly tied in the presidential race for much of 2002. The frontrunner that year was Joe “Hey I’ve Heard of Him” Lieberman. Dean’s genesis as frontrunner started with the 2003 California Dem speech in May, and cemented with his “Sleepless Summer” tour over the summer, peaking in Seattle. The decline happened starting in mid-December, and really accelerated two weeks before Iowa.
Mitt doesn’t need any traction at this point, he just needs to raise enough money not to disappear. And I will agree with you that it will probably seem like 2053 by the time we get the voting underway.