Ben LaGuer,the only prisioner now incarcerated in the Massachussets penal system who continues to refuse parole, because he refuses to lie and admit guilt for a crime,he has not committed, will be the subject of an interview bewteen Al Sharpton and Minister Don Muhammed, spiritual leader of the Nation of Islam – Boston. The interview will take place tomorrow, MOnday, at 2pm on Al Sharpton’s radio talk show.
Mr LaGuer was recently denied his request for a new trial by the SJC. His request had been based on the fact that four full fingerprints, discovered in 2000, using the Freedom of Information Act, found on the base of a trimline phone, whose cord had been ripped off and used to tie the victim to a chair, had been supressed at the 1984 trial that convicted Mr LaGuer to 15 years to life in prison. The four full fingerprints, that tested negative for Mr LaGuer, could have led the jury to a different decision, had the fingerprints been presented as evidence.
Instead of charging the Worcester DA’s OFfice with criminal inpropriety for supressing this critical piece of evidence, the
SJC justices said that the exculpatory prints were irrelevant!!! Go Figure!
You can read the SJC’s decision at You can also watch the Jan 4th oral arguement before the SJC… ie the debacle, at . At one point, one of the justices said.. “Well of course those finger prints would have been negative for Mr LaGuer, as I would imagine all of the law enforcement officers would have been using that phone, once they arrived at the crime scene..”
She honestly said this!!
Clearly the SJC justice forgot that once a trim line phone’s cord has been ripped off and used as a binding cord… the phone does not work anymore. This was 1984.. before the time of the cordless phone. Remember??
This is the level of thinking that goes on within our state’s SJC chambers. And so an innocent man remains in jail after 23 years, as Ben LaGuer continues to choose truth over freedom. Read www.BenLaGuer and weep.
Also don’t forget to listen to Minister Don talk with Al Sharpton tomorrow, about the injustice that continues to befall an innocent black man in Massachusetts. You can listen at WILD-AM 1090 Boston 1pm-4pm , or go to and listen on line.
Meanwhile, we are forming the Free Ben LaGuer Now! committee, to bring pressure on the new Worcester DA Joe Early JR, to come to his senses and order a new trial. Early needs to clean up this 23 year old criminal impropriety of his predacessor, and drop all charges against Ben LaGuer as soon as possible.
Please go to and sign up for our Ben LaGuer issue group there. Or you can send your contact information to .. and we will put you on our e-mail list.
Now you KNOW he has a case!
It will be nice to see what type of response this program gets. Do you know the specifics of what the station is to tune in? Thanks for this Sue!