After much discussion, help from the state party (thanks State Committee members Claire Naughton and Joe Kaplan), and some enthusiastic new blood, the Medfield Democratic Town Committee is back up and running. At our March meeting we elected a new slate of officers and a new set of bylaws. We also have a new web site up:
Our next meeting is April 23rd at 7:15 at the Medfield Public Library. We are also scheduled to show An Inconvenient Truth on May 10th at the High School, and meet with State Rep. Lida Harkins on May 16th at the Library, again at 7:15pm.
We invite all Medfield Dem’s to join us. For more information visit the web site or contact me.
We also invite our neighbors (Millis, Medway, Walpole, Westwood, Dover, Sherborn, Norfolk, etc.) to join us in building a strong Democratic base in our little corner of Metro Boston.
Bob, I will include your events on the Democratic Dispatch, the more or less weekly e-mail newswletter I write to publicize Democratic events around the state. You can subscribe by sending an e-mail Or you can e-mail me at . Joe may have mentioned some of the work of the Field Services Committee to you, including the Mass Dems Guide and the Chairs Manual. You may want to subscribe to Mass Dems Guide. It is an e-mail group specifically designed for leaders and activists in City, Town and Ward Committees. Send an e-mail to New officers may want to review the Field Manual for Chairs that our committee publishes. I’m pleased that your DTC is reactivated and wish you luck. Kate