I don’t have much to say about the horror in Virginia today, except that as pointed out by Larry Johnson, this is what they go through every single day in Baghdad. I’m reminded that earlier this year a Baghdad university was hit with a suicide bomb that killed 65.
That doesn’t diminish the agony and trauma that folks in Blacksburg are enduring, not one bit. In the end, it’s pointless to compare magnitudes of pain and suffering, because to the dead and those who grieve them, it’s the maximum. Life is not cheap.
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tblade says
“2 The Catechism
Q. and A. come back. They ‘formed my mind’.
‘Who is my neighbour?’ ‘My neighbour is all mankind’.“
From Irish poet Seamus Heaney’s Ten Glosses.
annem says
which one? VA Tech or Iraq? Both. And more. Are some preventable? Yes. Then what are we waiting for?
Thank you for this post.