Caught with his knickers at half-mast, with an all-too-obviously trumped-up piece of worthless toilet paper, Rathernot fell on his sword, and CBS helped by pushing on his back. Exit a few million in major advertising, syndication fees and royalties.
Exit also Rathernot.
Fast-forward to the December-2006-and-forward time frame, after CBS had decided that its identity would be defined by shock-jocking. Howard Stern, he of foul-mouth and Bleached-Blonde-Bombshell fame, quit CBS rather than clean up his potty-mouth, and went to work on Sat-Radio, where he, presumably, can keep the potty in his mouth, and continue spewing it on the lesser controlled Sirius airwaves. For five ultra-large, no less. Exit Stern, and a few million in major advertising, syndication fees and royalties. Poor, dumb CBS!
Gawd, I HATE when that happens!
Now we come full-circle (for the nonce) to friend Imus & Co. He did what he was hired for. He also did what he was famous for, shocking his audience with his epithets and slurs. And he got canned by those who hired him.
Well, I mean, ya gotta be politically incorrect without offending anyone, right CBS? Anybody out there who can figure out how to do that, CBS has got a network spot open and waiting for you!
And I am still howling at those who led the charge to take Imus’ head. First, we have Mr. Rainbow Coalition Punchboard puncher himself, the Reverend Jesse Jackson. Then, we got the Reverend Al Sharpton. Sling all the mud you want, folks, ain’ none of it gonna stick to those two, right? I mean, they lilly-white – er, uh, lilly black – er, ah, PERFECT! Real reverent, those two. Believe that if you wish, but, I’d Rathernot . . .
What absolutely sickening racial CRAP!
Imus was CLEARLY out of line. No Question. But If the spokespersons for the black community are going to be the ilk of Jackson and Sharpton, then those two latter need to come clean and stop pretending to be pious and reverent. Credibility there is nonexistent, and I won’t be politically correct enough to pretend it is!
I am sick and tired of the double standard from the Black Community. I want an END to the politically correct requirement that they can use racial slurs such as nappy-headed ho, or the `n’ word, or the crackah slur, but they demand these words be off limits to whites. It is high damned time to stop pretending, in the sacred name of political correctness, that the racial emperor has clothes on!
with Jackson and Sharpton seems quite overwrought to me in this case. Of course those two spoke out against Imus, as you’d expect. But they speak out all the time, and usually not much happens (whether that’s a good or bad thing is a topic for another thread). Imus created this perfect storm all by himself — by picking on a particularly sympathetic target, among other things — and he deserves everything he got. Imus wasn’t canned because of anything Sharpton and Jackson did.
With respect, David, CBS has failed to act in two out of two furors until the public landed squarely on its back. That was true with Rather; had there not been a VERY public Outcry (led, I am sure, by FOX!) Rather would still be employed. He was just too valuable a property for CBS to part with, unless its hand was forced.
That was true with Imus; else WHY did CBS wait so long to hang him out to dry?
As to Jackson and Sharpton, their hypocrisy is well known, and I believe it appropriate to cite it in the issue extant. I have personally heard both utter the ‘n’ word, and I have personally heard both use the “crackah” slur. Neither is acceptable, and both those gents know it. And in the former’s case, since when is it acceptable for a religious leader to father an out-of-wedlock child, with one of his employees, and continue to believe he is credible as a pious commentator?
No one is perfect, and I’m right out there with the worst of them! But if Imus and Rather should have fallen on their swords, why should not have Jackson?
This isn’t about Jackson or Sharpton, or even Imus and Rather. This is about hypocrisy!
And yes I’ve already been told how this guy is easily discredited so I should not use him for his anti-Illuminati work.