OK, do whatever you want with the dirty money, but it really sucks that “recent comments” don’t get displayed for at least 30 seconds, sometimes never. My browser just sits there waiting for blogads to wake up before it displays recent comments. Do other people experience this?
Can you tweak SoapBlox so that it displays recent comments before the blogads get displayed? I’d think your advertisers would want their ads to get displayed eventually, but there’s a technical problem they should know about. I often hit STOP before the ads even get here, because I can’t stand watching the circling “life going by” firefox icon, so I just stop or click on to another page. Do you get paid when I hit STOP or click on to another page? You shouldn’t, because the ads don’t get here, because blogads.com is too slow.
My complaint is really to SoapBlox or BlogAds, not to BMG. Their slow response is interfering with my user experience, and I suspect lots of people’s.
Is there some other way to sell our eyeballs to your advertisers besides making every frontpage.do request call up the same super slow ad over and over? I’d be willing to go through a “click-through” routine once, if it marked my account as having seen that ad already, so I didn’t have to see it again. And I woudln’t mind so much if it didnt slow down my life and clog the internet. It’s really slow! I just want “recent comments” to come up before I die of of old age.
so don’t know what you’re talking about but it sounds unpleasant. I hope the David/Charley/Bob trio will help you/your computer find a remedy.
(isn’t there something that can done to block the pop-up and other ads? I think a friend of mine did that to my computer. Shhhh, don’t tell the advertisers)
but it doesn’t stop the comments from showing, only the Mass O’ Politics feed. Sorry John, but that’s a little more under-the-hood than your tech-challenged hosts know about. I’ll ask.
Anyway, use Mozilla and you’ll generally avoid pop-ups. Some are pretty clever, though.
Those guys are tricky — the only ones who get past pop-up blockers.
Charley, do advertisers know if their ads aare getting blocked? I don’t want to rob you guys of income just to avoid looking at ads that don’t realyl distract me. (Though I will admit the occasional delay bringing up recent comments is annoying…)
and also having the problem. at the moment, it looks like its getting hung up on transfer of data from http://www.leftyblogs.com.
the past few days, complete main page loading has taken a few minutes. as of now, it’s taking at least 5. normally it was virtually instantaneous, and i’ve changed no setting on by browser between then and now.
and it’s still getting hung up on something. the main page loads through selected user posts, or whatever that top right block is. but user posts isn’t laoding (it was yesterday), and of course recent comments will be the last to laod i guess, so they’re not loading either.
another soapbox/leftyblog i read is also not loading completely, fyi. makes it almost impossible to participate in any meaningful way.
I’ve had comcast for a few years now, and its been getting slower and slower for me. I can’t watch that Mitt Romney myspace video without hiccups. But the blogads server seems to be taking a long time on top of that. It also sits there for statcounter.com, dooing who knows what, but that doesn’t seem to hold things up.
I think SoapBlox must be loading the page elements in a bad order, or displaying them with some bad javascript. It should be easy to get everything asynchronously and display things as soon as they get back (that’s called AJAX) and it should be caching the ads (they’re always the same, it’s so silly to be getting them from blogads poor overtaxed server everytime someone goes to their favorite blogs homepage. Maybe once a day for each site it could check for new ads?
It happens to me all the time here. It’s happening now. It’s due to the politico ad et all. There is something wrong with something on their site (blogads.com).
I think it’s the source of your intermittent problems. As I’ve been able to access Redmass pretty easily when not being able to access bluemass.
Just trying to help.
Is this the culprit? It does say blogads.com
bluehampshire is loading ok, and they dont have ads. whereas pamshouseblend is also having trouble loading, and i think she has they ads. BMG is not loading almost ok, but i suspect that has something to do with the late hour and so fewer people laoding pages that access sitemeter and/or blogads.
I think.
so far so good today. what was the cause, if i might ask?
Thanks for fixing that so quick, David
even after David posted his “fix” comment. In my case, many times the page just doesn’t load at all, and a get a “cannot display” message. Other times, a page will take up to a minute to load. When it runs slow, I usually just give up and come back later.