WMUR/CNN poll. Things are starting to get interesting in NH.
Clinton 27 percent
Edwards 21 percent
Obama at 20 percent
From CNN.
The poll’s sampling error of plus or minus 5.5 percentage points means that Clinton and Edwards are in a statistical dead heat at the front of the pack, along with Obama, who came in at 20 percent, the poll found. The Illinois senator was at 21 percent in February.
Edwards favorable ratings are through the roof, Obama’s went up and Clinton’s dropped 10%. Entire poll can be found here (pdf).
March/April 64% 24%
February 74% 15%
March/April 80% 8%
February 74% 13%
March/April 69% 10%
February 67% 12%
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I think Obama and Edwards will be the ones to beat. I like Edwards, and I could get behind Obama…I’d have a hard time working for Clinton.
But I’m starting to like Edwards more and more. There is a reason the right wingnuts like Rush are attacking. Of course, they are not attacking on policy issues. Hillary isn’t that bad is she? I don’t think she’ll appoint an Arabian horse commissioner to FEMA. You know that you’ll get some qualified people serving as department heads and she’s very intelligent herself.
to run departments–funny thing, when people believe government should work to solve problems, they staff their governments with competent people. FDR led a movement of liberals who wanted a more activist government that solved problems–and hey, when the US sent people to run occupied Germany and Japan, the occupation governments succeeded. But the Bushies all believed government was the problem, and when they tried to set up an occupation government in Iraq, what happened?
Speaking of that–do you think McCain’s little publicity stunt in a Baghdad market got those people there killed?
It was a message after McCain and his 100 soldiers, helicopters and snipers left. It was purely a idiotic thing to do. He says something stupid on CNN, gets called on it, so he adds to the stupidity with this stunt. What happened to him in the last 4 years?
I gotta pass on Obama
less than 2 years in the US Congress – I just can’t do it.
I wish Gore would jump in. Any chance of him making a run in 08.