Health Care for All has posted a number of materials regarding the new affordability rules for health care:

- Affordability – summary
- Affordability – schedule
- Affordability schedule spreadsheet
- Memo summarizing proposal from Connector staff (posted on WBUR’s Commonhealth Blog)
- Draft affordability regulations
- Memo on affordability regulations
- Spreadsheet showing who would be exempt from affordability standards
- Commonwealth Care regulations on hearings and eligibility
I’m hearing that the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, which was extremely concerned about the effect of the personal mandate on those of modest income, is basically pleased with the result. They’ll have a press conference tomorrow, possibly hosted by the Governor. If it’s basically good news, the Governor will want to be there to take credit for it.
Please share widely!
but I’m not wading into the quicksand of this new law’s details. To be honest, it has actually sickened me these past many months trying to keep up with the law’s lousy changing details and participate in a critical and constructive public dialogue about it. Important questions are routinely ignored over on the new NPR “CommonHealth” blog and other “blogs” choose to censure comments that don’t adhere to the mainstream advocacy party line.
So for my comment I’ll share a refreshing, bold and much needed (for me at least) big-picture perspective from my friend Roger Hickey at CAF on the exciting work that’s underway to create a winning movement for fundamental health system reform. It’s a perspective that I agree with whole-heartedly. Wow. It feels great to say that.
P.S. thanks, Charley, for sharing hc info, esp. your prior heads-up about this book “Sick” being discussed on TPM. I hope folks have noticed the BMG Events item I put up a couple weeks ago about this book’s author coming to a MassInc public forum–register before it fills up if you’re interested.
P.P.S. Reminder that tonite is another event that’s listed on BMG’s Events sidebar, the expert panel discussion on Univ. HC 6pm at Simmons College Library, 300 The Fenway–it’s sure to be great. Free of charge, public welcome.
it’s revealed the day before the vote (all 145 pages!).
Throw in the fact that the day AFTER the vote, SoS Galvin revealed in the Boston Globe that the healthcare industry spent $7.5 million in state lobbying in 2005 in the run-up to this bill.
If you go to http://opensecrets.o…
you can see that the health industry spent $338 million nationally on lobbying alone.