When MSNBC announced they would stop simulcasting Imus, the head of NBC news said…
“I take no joy in this. It’s not a particularly happy moment, but it needed to happen,” he said. “I can’t ignore the fact that there is a very long list of inappropriate comments, of inappropriate banter, and it has to stop.”
Now they have announced they will simulcast the radio show of a guy out of Philadelphia. What’s he like? Media Matters gives us an idea.
“if everyone follows Dr. Abboud’s prescription … you’re going to have women who will leave the home and now get a great-paying job, because you will have gotten them well educated.” He continued, “But then they’re not going to be around to instill these lessons in their kids. In other words, it occurs to me that perhaps you’ve provided a prescription to bring this great success to an end.”
Yeah, they’re really sensitive to offending people over there at MSNBC. This guy will be muuuuuuuch better, you can tell.
Imus was getting too influential. He was not fired for what he said but rather where he was going.
Imus supported the connection between autism and the mercury put into vaccines as a preservative. You simply can’t have Joe sixpack even thinking that his medical establishment might not be absolute.
Imus was also promoting green cleaners and with a ranch full of sick kids he should know. Hmmm..how many green cleaning products does Proctor and Gamble make.
The third is what I call the news bandwith occupier. The Imus affair came about just as the Rosie ODonell vs Bill ORielly feud over 911 truth was starting to take shape. Nothing is higher on the MSM blacklist than 911 truth.
Imus flatlined all “coverage” of Rosie and Bill. A new tale had a new dog to wag.
Also with the failing popularity of “right wing” political mentality how do corporations signal to each other to stop endorsing the destructive paradigms of one party to openly endorse the destructive paradigms of the other party.
By elevating political correctness, the leading destructive paradigm of the “left” to widespread prominence.
In the selection of the new host, Michael? Well that would mean the real mission is a suicide one. They don’t want people interested in politics, period.
Weren’t we supposed to be at war with Iran by now? What happened — nobody made reservations?
these enclaves of enlightened monks working on that. Sometimes they are able to balance out the bad karma, sometimes not.