CONVENES: The House convened at 11 am, Rep. Paul Donato of Medford presiding. Father Robert Quinn offered the prayer, then members and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Business Was Then conducted – see State House News for Details.
GUESTS: The chair recognized guests from the Council on Aging, guests of Rep. Kafka.
RESOLUTIONS: The House adopted resolutions filed by Reps. Rogers, Kakfa, Ross, Jones (2), Rice, Gobi, and others.
MOUSE: At 11:16 am, a mouse ran through the press gallery.
RECESSES: The House recessed at 11:17 am, planning to return at 11:45 am.
RETURNS: The House returned at 11:58 am.
More Business was conducted.
ADJOURNS: The House adjourned at 11:59 am to meet next on Thursday at 11 am in an informal session.
– END –
What is unclear at this time….Poll Attached After the Break
laurel says
to get to the other side.
someone had to say it…