“… Presumably an impeachable offense, immoral as hell … so who did it?” So says Tucker Carlson of the allegations of Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst.
Remember the phony “Italian intelligence memo” that alleged an attempt by Iraq to buy yellowcake uranium from Niger? McGovern is claiming that it was, in fact, a creation of our own Vice President.
Well, needless to say, we’re all eagerly waiting for McGovern’s evidence.
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why would he make the allegations now if he isn’t willing to produce evidence?
a) he has no real evidence, but wants to get mileage out of the concurrent tenant book tour
b) he wants to see what he can scare out of the bushes (or Bushes đŸ˜‰ by implying he’s about to reveal something damning
c) ???
If he has proof, he should present it. If he doesn’t he’s just making things up. Talk is cheap.
If I had evidence against the VP for an impeachable offense, I’d reveal it on Tucker “I Tie My Own Bowties” Carlson’s show.
Dick Cheney did have his little back channel operation in the Pentagon known as the Office of Special Plans. They cherry-picked the intelligence leading up to the war. The famous yellowcake allegations got to the State of the Union address via OSP, bypassing the CIA.
Watch for more on someone I expect to spend a little more time in the wringer later this year: Douglas J. Feith.
This little rascal did have dealings with the Italian intelligence agencies around the forged uranium documents. It would surprise me if there were not direct links leading right to Cheney, though of course the deniability has likely been well thought out.
Who knows, maybe Scooter will start singing if he doesn’t get his pardon right away.
I’m looking forward to the next chapter.
… this, if it is true, is just like what he and Condi did with the NYT and MTP on WMD… create the story without any ties to the source (annonymitiy, forgery) on one side and then make the fraudulant case that the same story is a corroboration on the other.