Marty Meehan’s wife has taken a lead position on Nicki Tsongas’s campaign. If I knew any of her claims to fame I would write them here.
Marty expects to be at U-Mass Lowell a long time. His replacement in Congress expects to be there a long time also. As time goes on Marty becomes less and less influential in D.C. and the new rep. becomes more.
As you know Marty, there are many things a district needs and many fights for $$$ by the Congressman. There are those that he puts his political capital behind, and those that he just gives lip service to. He can’t be asking for $$$ all the time for everything.
And if Nicki doesn’t win.
Will there be love, or a want of you to fail by the new congressperson? Hmm.
By the way Ms. Meehan. How much money have you committed to raise for Nicki? Will you be raising money from individuals with U-Mass contacts, jobs, and contracts?
And will you be soliciting from former contributors to your husband’s campaign?
I predict a behind the scenes falling out before primary day.
…as she has neer disingenuously claimed to not make an endorsemtn and then ahve a family member act as proxy.
link please?
where we were talking about the Ellen Meehan chairmanship of the Tsongas campaign, I believe.
But it seems a rather petty and mean comment with no substance other than to attack someone.
Sometimes, I wonder at how small a mind you seem to have sometimes. Do you like to beat up on teddy bears and take lollipops away from toddlers too?
Just when I think I respect your opinion, you dive into gutter-land. Nice job. Good way to build your credibility.
I read your blog all the time, and you know and care about Lynn far more than some candidates. I actually WOULD value your opinion more.
And I only take the lollipops from the teddy bears.
But if it really is a compliment, fine… I’ll take it.
Marty’s wife is supporting Mrs. Tsongas. Marty is saying he is not. She is merely saying you would not play such a blatantly stupid game such as that.
Read in context the comment makes sense.
It is a compliment.
I am still waiting for Marty to announce the recipient(s) of his $5 million in contributions to his Congressional campaign committee.
A month ago, I thought Marty would announce, in a televised live press conference, covered by Channels 4, 5, 7, 25, and 38, that he was donating the funds to UMass Lowell to assist their many worthy educational programs….Now, I am persuaded that this superfluous campaign cash will eventually find its way to the Nikki Tsongas’s campaign coffers, particularly if 5th District polls show Mr. Tsongas struggling to establish a lead in the polls.
Finally, if anyone actually believes Marty will remain neutral in the 5th District race and not work behind the scenes to persuade his contributors and political supporters to support Ellen’s candidate, Mrs. Tsongas, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like sell to you. Marty may remain “publicly neutral” for the initial couple of months of the campaign, but the candidates opposing Mrs. Tsongas will soon learn the political implications of the famous truism, “blood is thicker than water.”