WALLACE-BENJAMIN OUT, RUBIN IN AS TOP PATRICK AIDE: Doug Rubin will replace Joan Wallace-Benjamin as Gov. Deval Patrick’s chief of staff, said a source who has been briefed on the change. A Patrick spokesman declined immediate comment. Rubin was a top architect of Patrick’s winning gubernatorial campaign and has remained a top adviser to the governor, but been publicly vague amidst much speculation about his career plans. Wallace-Benjamin is expected to return to her post at the Home for Little Wanderers.
Please share widely!
Quick question, where exactly does his campaign end and governorship begin, and vice-versa?
because people who serve on campaigns never end up taking high-ranking administration positions.
One of your lamest yet, EaBo.
has blurred the line between his campaign and his official office over the past months. With Deval Patrick.com acting as an “official home page of Governor Deval Patrick” and using campaign expenditures to help run the government through so-called civic engagement.
Yes campaign people end up in the governors office, even at high levels all across this country. However I don’t know of one governor that has blurred the line between the two as much as Governor Patrick.
Needless to say, you have no evidence of that. Zero. So stop making shit up.
And I’d be curious as to the source of your encyclopedic knowledge of the practices of the 49 other governors and the operations of their political committees. Again, SMSU.
Article from the Globe
This was at the launch of DP.com. He was asking those in attendence to help him govern, through civic engagement. That was the whole premise behind DevalPatrick.com. So I’m not making excrement up.
To afertig. It’s all connected. I don’t put my thoughts in silo’s.
or how about here
Or how about here
No, nope, not using DP.com to help govern. Not at all.
What really terrifies you, EaBo, is that what Deval Patrick talked about throughout the entire campaign might actually work.
Let’s go back to your original point. He is not using his campaign to help him govern. Are you ready to concede that?
Now in Massachusetts that is legal, for instance state reps can use their campaign accounts to open up district offices, however for you to vehemently say it wasn’t happening is somewhat disingeneous.
You’re not always trollish, sometimes you actually have an interesting opinion or two. But, come on. We’ve had this debate before and this comment is not connected to the news of a changing Chief of Staff.