Hats off to the Washington Post, which brought its readers straight to the uncomfortable reality of the hell hole that the Bush administration has stuck us all in in Vietraq. If there is a more perfect metaphor for the Bush administration’s incoherent “guaranteed defeat” strategy, I don’t know what it is:
The soldiers called him Bob, and for the past several weeks, until Tuesday morning, he was the biggest obstacle to the success of an important mission in a small but crucial corner of the Iraq war.
“We can’t get anybody to get Bob out. No one wants to do it,” Army Maj. Brent Cummings, executive officer of the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, said with worry one recent morning as Bob’s story began unfolding. Cummings was looking at an aerial photograph of an area in east Baghdad called Kamaliya, where there was an abandoned spaghetti factory with a hole in the courtyard, a hole in which some of his soldiers had discovered Bob.
Bob: It’s shorthand for “bobbin’ in the float,” Cummings explained.
Float: It’s shorthand for “two to three feet of raw sewage,” he further explained.
Read the rest of the piece here.
Sorry, someone had to say it. đŸ™‚
Seriously, that article blew me away. It’s articles like this with the nitty gritty, smelly, violent, deadly, day-to-day life in Vietraq that make it real for people. I’m glad to see it in the Washpo.
Now I must wash.
The whole thing is extremely unfortunate. I suspect everyone can agree about that, even EaBo Clipper.
We must run away, post-haste, so that the freedom fighters can get on with the extermination of all of the nervous men, the dozens of children, and the smiling pregnant women in their flimsy houses.
What a proud day that will be!
…when you’re not the one over there dealing with dead bodies floating in sewage.
Confessions of a Torturer by Tony Lagouranis: