It may take a day or two for the liberal media to figure out what type of negative spin they can put on this story, but for now I will enjoy the sweet sound of liberal silence.
congratulations Mr. President, you are an american hero.
Please share widely!
he missed that thing about the planes and the World Trade Center.
you are getting soo crabby in your old age.
cheer up my friend, muslims want to kill us. We stoped them from doing that. Allow yourself to take pleasure in that.
Now, I may not be an FBI agent, and neither was this store clerk, but something about assault rifles and jihad…just isn’t kosher. I’m not sure if George would have seen a correlation and called the police, but we should be glad this store clerk did.
Stop spouting your radical liberal propaganda.
Lesson learned: be nice to the retail and service industry folks – they’re America’s real first line of defense!
I guess you really showed us up here at BMG, huh? So clever!
Charlie on the MTA, Laurel, JoeTS
You all seem soo sad today. LOL
Come on we just stoped a terrorist attack. Cheer up –
so we wouldn’t have to fight them here, no?
So that talking point if full of crap is basically what you are saying. Good job, that’s the first step in acknowledging what needs to be done to keep our country safer.
Don’t forget to smile!
I would like to thank my congressman, Stephen Lynch, for allowing things like this to continue to happen. He may have not been on the front line with the FBI in catching these Islamic terrorists, but he is the only one of the 10 Massachusetts congressmen to have voted for a bill that would protect people like the video shop owner who called the FBI.
So thank you Mr. Lynch, you just earned by vote next time around.
JK – “While I don’t think W had anything to do with this”
JoeTS – “I don’t think this was the work of the President”
It’s funny how guys like you are so quick to jump on Bush when ever an aid slips up complaining on and on about how he is the prez, he is the #1 boss, it’s on him, it’s on him. But when when he has 6 terrorist scum bags cuffed and stuffed you refuse to give him 1 oz of credit. double standard? hmmmmm
promise me you’ll never change – LOL
But I am not a “Bush Basher” nor a liberal/progressive/democrat. I am a conservative who tends to vote repub out of little other choice. I in fact voted for Bush twice.
I said the I don’t believe the president had anything to do with this because it appears this whole thing was brought to light by a single good citizen who notified the police of something suspicious.
Oh, and me saying that Steve Lynch, a dem, earned my vote is a big deal to me. Since I have never voted for a dem in my 13 years of voting.
you are a liberal acting as a caricature of a conservative. Larry the Cable Guy, if you will.
You’re not funny. You should probably apologize to the proprietors of this site for wasting bandwith, and apologize to the readers for wasting their time, and apologize to the rest of the world for wasting their oxygen,
First, Bush wasn’t mentioned in that story, so I’m not sure why you think he personally deserves any commendation for thwarting the attack. Shouldn’t you be congratulating and thanking the store clerk? He’s the real hero here after all.
Secondly, do you think this attack would somehow have turned out differently if a Democrat were President? If so, justify your statement. If not, tell me again why you think Bush personally deserves recognition on this occasion.
Third… who’s to say what would have happened with this attack if the would-be-jihadists hadn’t been complete idiots and asked an infidel to copy their video? Do you think Bush deserves congratulations because the enemy screwed up?
I don’t.
and the rest of you, especially our 19-YO friend, the following:
First, by definition, terrorists are STUPID. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be blowing themselves up because some Imam told them they’ll get 72 virgins out of the deal. This idea is somewhat akin to throwing your hard-earned money in the wishing well, and the terrorists seem to be too stupid to recognize this fact. I doubt if it weren’t for all this talk about paradise, the terrorists could be convinced to do ANYTHING by their Saudi masters (are you reading this, Dubya?!? how about educating the simpletons?!?). Allah Akbar! God is great? Yeah, but not THEIR God!
Second, being relatively stupid, it should be easier to catch them than the FBI is making it seem. Problem is, the big, bad FBI is trying to do the WHOLE JOB by themselves.
So is the National Security Agency.
So is the CIA.
So is – – – ad nauseum, every agency in WA DC, with any clout in the US security arena.
We do not need another agency. We need to fire about half the incompetent bastards at the helms, and imbedded in the bureaucracy of our EXISTING agencies, and let the rest know they will also be out the door if we don’t get our national security act todether.
Tell me, cogniscenti, how many of our agencies actually cooperate with each other?
I’m waiting . . .