Cam’s states the following in his BMG post.
“The main substantive argument against [same day registration] has been concern about voter fraud. But voter fraud — impersonating a voter or casting a vote if you are not eligible — is already a felony in Massachusetts punishable by up to five years and a $10,00 fine.”
That is like saying we will have a law that forbids homeowners from locking there houses when they travel. All doors and windows remain unlocked. All alarms turned off. And telling the world about it. Even burglars.
No need to worry. There already is a law against burglary. HUH?
Please share widely!
the point is, voter fraud isn’t any easier with same day registration if it’s done right.
The F stands
it is crazy not to think that a less than honorable group of pricks like a faction of local police or trade union or some wise guys who want to control some local contracts. In selectman races 30 or 40 votes can be all you need.
not to mention the how easy it is to grab crack heads and homeless and prostitutes, take then to the polls and tell them what to do and who to vote for. Give them some paper work.Get 10 of them and drive then from poll to poll. Pay them $$$$ and create new votes. Once that ballot goes in the ballot box there is nothng you can do about it.
Just last week, I wittnessed firsthand how easy it was for an alien to get a drivers license.
Imagine how easy it would be to round up some aliens seeking work, who are otherwise unaware that its illegal for a noncitizen to vote in Mass and bring them to the polls.
ET is getting a driver’s lecense, do you?
…allowing aliens–even illegal aliens–to obtain drivers licenses. For a person to obtain a drivers license, the person has to exhibit at least a minimal knowledge of the rules of the road and driving ability. Lack of a drivers license will not prevent an illegal alien from driving, but I would prefer that the state provide some mechanism by which the illegal alien to exhibit a minimal capability at driving.
If I wanted to commit voter fraud why would I round up people and send them to the polls fraduantly- risking a felony conviction- when I have of no way of verifying how they voted (secret ballot and all that)?
I suppose I could follow each of my fake voters into the voting booth but that would mighty suspicious after the 5th or 6th voter.
The much easier way to commit voter fraud is to sign people up for absentee ballots and then fill it out for them.
The “Voter Fraud” canard is an absurd Republican talking point cooked up to fuel odious poll-tax laws like the “REAL ID Act” in Georgia.
Its impossible to disprove a negative but the scenario of massive of election day voter fraud plainly ridiculous.
By the way, Republicans have a kicka** absentee ballot program.
within last 30 years at onetime or another.
Somerville Revere, Dorchester, Charlestown, Everett, Lowell,…….
Were you the one doing it? Because, how else would you know? Where are the cases of voter fraud? Because, trust me, Republican prosectors have been looking for them during Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and all of our Republican governors.
Yes, dead people have voted in the past. But in the last 30 years?
Again, why send people into the voting booth when you can’t control or know how they will vote? It is so much easier to do absentee ballot manipulation.
Stopping Same Day Registration because of fictional and/or minisucle cases of Voter Fraud just dosen’t make sense even if you believed that there were armies of unscrupulous campaign operatives ready to send homeless people all around town to vote in every precinct. Why would anyone do that when there are easier ways to accomplish the same goal?