Today is the official beginning of my campaign for Congress. I will be speaking at five different locations across the district:
8 am — Lancaster — Sandee’s Restaurant, 162 Main Street
10 am — Concord — Emerson Hospital, 133 Old Road to Nine Acres Corner
1 pm — Lowell — Lowell General Hospital, 295 Varnum Avenue
3 pm — Lawrence — Greater Lawrence Family Health Center, Corner of Park Street and Lawrence Street
5 pm — RALLY IN ACTON — Jones Tavern, 128 Main Street
6pm — Shirley — House Party at the home of Tom Lynch and Karen Ludington, 5 Lancaster Road
Please come by if you can, to any of these locations. The largest one will be at 5:00pm in my hometown in Acton, but it would be great to see anyone from Blue Mass Group at any of the stops. And if you make it, please make an effort to let me know that you learned about the kickoff here or that you read these posts.
Among the things I will be talking about along the way, will be my call for Single Payer Universal Health Care. I’ve been following the discussion of health care proposals on BMG and I appreciate the smart commentary from the community. To ensure that there are no questions about exactly where I stand, I will be unveiling a concrete proposal for single payer in the same way I’ve been specific about each of my policy positions.
I am happy to talk further about my plan to pass and implement single payer in the coming days, but for those who are cynical I will offer this before I begin my kick off:
America will solve its health care crisis the day we move toward a single payer system and not a day before. It is the only system we know that would cover every man woman and child, preserve choice, and reduce costs. The Conyers bill today has 62 cosponsors including Marty Meehan and four other Massachusetts Congressmen. The majority of the American public support government guaranteed health care. What is needed now is strong leadership.
The politics of expediency and compromise have failed, and there are 45 million uninsured and many more underinsured Americans who will tell you the same thing. We will not accomplish great things in this country without standing up and fighting for them. Fighting for something less is a failed strategy that progressive Democrats have no business continuing. I am running for United States Congress, to lead!
I look forward to continuing the discussion, and I hope you can join me today.
Congratulations on your announcement! It’s going to ba an exciting day!
Sorry I can’t make it, lot of work to finish up these next couple days, but I’ll be in touch next week.
I know it will go splendidly!
The details on Jamie’s plan for universal single-payer health care – centered on support of the United States National Health Insurance Act (minor correction: now has 69 sponsors, not 62) – is online:
This increasingly popular progressive legislation would allow for the government to pay for health care for all. It would eliminate co-pays and deductibles, and everyone would be covered for dental, eye care, long-term care, preventative care and more.
Its time has come.
Mike Moschella
Campaign Manager
I like the fact that the health care plan is framed in terms of your personal beliefs but is attached to an existing and well-researched bill led by the most powerful progressives in the House. This is where our congressional delegation needs to be on this issue — in the lead of a growing movement that has broad public support.
…and Jamie, I have to say, that was fantastic! The energy and enthusiasm were plain to see – now let’s go win this thing! Where are we canvassing this weekend?
I wasn’t able to make any of the events Thursday, but judging by the summary in the Lowell Sun, it looks Jamie did very well on his official kick-off. If you haven’t seen it, the article discusses a lot of Jamie’s biggest issues, especially his support for universal single payer health care:
As I’ve declared, I’m partial to Niki Tsongas but I’m trying to understand the nitty gritty of the health care issues and new legislation from a lot of the grandstanding thats been going on for the past few weeks.
And I’m trying to see who’s going to pay for this. It’s a little hard to figure out but maybe Rep. Conyers information, if available, will help us.
If I’m reading your web site correctly, you’re talking about an increase of over 50% for employer contributions. Do we think they’re not going to pass that on to us?
From your site, you say… “Raise the employer and employee payroll tax of 1.45% by 3.3% to 4.75%”
That seems to be an increase for employers and employees of over 300% in the payroll tax.
Can you link us on line to Rep. Conyers “exhaustive” studies with us so we can see the assumptions and analysis for ourselves?
I’m interested in losing the rhetoric and comparing plans, costs, and the actual legislation the candidates support. I hope we have time for a full and fair debate on this and all of the other important issues.
I do want to say that I respect EVERY candidate in this race for taking the time and making the commitment to this process.
Americans already pay for national health insurance – they just don’t get it. In other words, 60 Percent of Health Spending is Already Publicly Financed, Enough to Cover Everyone. Read the full article that explains this, published in the premier health policy journal Health Affairs
For a broad review of the health reform approach using Single Payer financing for guaranteed universal coverage (note emphasis on guaranteed rather than mandated coverage), take a look at this nifty Single Payer FAQ by CLICKING HERE
Will, Rep. Conyers utilizes the research and analysis of the group Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) whose work I link to above. This spring, to re-launch HR 676 the nat’l single payer bill, Conyers held a press briefing where PNHP and national nursing leaders also participated to articulate unswerving support for this sensible and cost effective approach to universal healthcare reform.
Imagine that … a democrat wanting to raise taxes on the working class.
Jamie explain how raising payroll taxes will force illegal aliens, black-market (those being paid in cash) employees, and those who earn money illegally will pay into this program. Especially since they are the ones who will take most of the benefits, like they do with every other social program on the gov’t books.