The campaign is preparing to launch a revamped website in the next week. It will be much more in depth and will have some pretty fun tools that I hope the voters in the 5th district will take advantage of. I hope you all will go on and let me know what you think, and promise to post as soon as the site goes live. We are also planning our campaign announcement! I sent an email out to supporters letting them know that I plan on going to all 29 communities in the 5th District as part of this tour.
The campaign took part in a diner stop tour today that took me to Tewksbury, Lowell, Dracut and Chelmsford all before Noon! We then stopped by a rally for SEIU 615 in Lawrence, and rounded off the day with our first official canvass in Haverhill.
I want to thank everyone tha thas helped with the campaign so far, and invite everyone else to join me as we tour the district talking to voters. Our phone banks are running strong, and our canvassing promises to ramp up as the campaign progresses.
Thank you for your time, and as always, have a pleasant day.
While I love hearing about the horse race, I think Lynne is right. We need more specifics and more issue-oriented news and content.
If you (or any other person running for office) wants to really win over some grassroots and netroots support, you should pick an issue each week to post about on Blue Mass Group – in addition to your events, etc. For one week, you could write about health care – where we are today, where you want us to go in the ideal future, where things are going in reality and how you could make them as close to ideal as possible (as an elected person to congress). Another week, you could talk about education, etc.
I’m not suggesting a list of what you support and don’t support – and I’m not really demanding hugely detailed plans (though they’re appreciated). However, discussing your philosophy, experience with issues and reasons for your opinions on the matters would go a long way to winning support. Since developing hard-core plans on everything is a serious challenge, pointing to ideas already out there – perhaps bills that have been submitted or proposals on the table at various Think Tanks – would go a long way.
Hopefully, your revamped web site will include a lot of these details. As a blogger and podcaster paying attention to the race, I want to know more about everything – but most especially of all, why you deserve to win. And, as they say, the devil is in the details.
For your comments. The new website will absolutely have position papers ranging from healthcare, to Iraq, Darfur, the environment, and the economy. Some will be posted immediately, and others will be posted in the coming weeks.
I firmly believe that the next person elected to represent the 5th District must talk to the voters throughout the district, hear their views, listen to their ideas, and work tirelessly to represent each and every one of them. That is why I have called for a debate in each community, and will visit all 29 cities and towns during my announcement tour.
Our campaign will undoubtedly be about the issues that concern you, and I hope you will take the time to come out, hear our plans, and never hesitate to ask me the questions that you want to have answered.
Thanks again.