I’m making this its own post because I want to make sure this gets its own attention: On an earlier post, I repeated a report that Niki Tsongas would not have supported the McGovern Amendment for troop redeployment. That’s not true. I just got this from her campaign — her statement to the Lowell Sun last week:
“I would have voted for the McGovern bill because a change in course in Iraq is long overdue. As American casualties continue to mount and the chaos in Iraq spreads, it is clear that our policy there is not working. We need to bring our courageous servicemen and women home quickly and safely and treat them with respect and care when they return.”
My emphasis. There you have it.
that exercising due diligence that you received the initial information from her campaign rather than making it up out of whole cloth. Now we are to understand that
a campaign worker gave you erroneous information or that Ms. Tsongas detected a wind shift and changed her mind.
I suspect that you were given accurate information in the first case and you accurately reported it. Ms. Tsongas is perfectly welcome to explain her course change.
Who mis-heard Tsongas at the event. Someone commented on her site that Tsongas did in fact support the amendment, and I followed up with the campaign.
You’re hilarious. Talk about making things up out of whole cloth.