No doubt in direct response to BMG’s recent call for the impeachment of Attorney General Gonzales, Democracy for America and Brave New Films have teamed up to launch a new website, There’s a video to watch and a petition to sign. The video, which is only “Part 1,” recounts a series of false and/or misleading statements Gonzales has made under oath regarding USAttorneyGate. I’m looking forward to Part 2.
Check it out, and sign the petition if you’re so inclined. The site went live today; as of now, there are over 20,000 signatories. Here’s Part 1 of the video.
Please share widely!
designermama82 says
David – Did you or Charley hear anything about the MA Dem Convention this weekend voting to go on record as Supporting the movement to “Impeach Bush?” I had heard a rumor.
Did anyone else catch the very volatile “View” this morning? Rosie rocked! Well, the entire nation now is positive how she feels about our “Commander in Chief”..She was defending former President Carter as well as herself.
jconway says
I like how some of the best zingers came from right field, conservative Senators that are in line with the Presidents socially conservative agenda and are ideological counterparts of Gonzales but know a criminal when the see one. Among them are Arlen Specter, Lindsey Graham, and Tom Coburn (who supports the death penalty for abortion doctors) who also made the most forceful direct call for his resignation.
Also there was the WaPo story about how Ashcroft stood up to the Presidents henchmen and continued to follow the law making this usual villain a hero in one regard.
They all clearly see Gonzales for what he is, a law breaking stooge, if only they would put party aside and impeach this President for deceiving the American people and leading us into Iraq on a pack of lies. While granted impeaching Bush would absolve the Republicans of that albatross around their neck in 2008, it is the right thing to do.
john-driscoll says
Go to and vote for my issue calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. These guys are far more criminal than Gonzales, who is only taking orders.
Vote here: