Bill Richardson boots a slow roller:
“My favorite team has always been the Red Sox,” he said, then added, “I’m also a Yankees fan. . . . This is the thing about me. I can bring people together.”
Uh … no. Even with those Nobel Prize nominations, he’ll never bring these two things together.
Update: More bad reviews of Richardson’s performance here. Sigh.
Please share widely!
But alas, no button.
and thanks.
It may be true that the politicians are thankful that they have sports and television to distract the voters. Shouldn’t they have enough sense to keep entertainment and politics apart? What if Joe Sixpack ever puts his entertainment interest into politics? It might get very ugly.
Do we remember Manny Ortiz? Here’s a giggle . No wonder the other idiot got elected.
Remember Sen. Kennedy and “Mike McGwire and Sammy Sooser”?
p>At least Richardson’s statement fell short of being Romneyeqsue- Mitt would have denied ever having been a Sox fan in the first place.
You’re talking about mispronunciations and your picking on Kerry?
can figure out what that other guy is even saying?
I would have said “you’re full of shit” and gladly payed the fine to the FCC out of my pocket.
That could apply to most Democrats dragged onto his show. Or during a debate for that matter.
It’s classic Russett…jovially ask a question (“Do you think you can bring Red Sox and Yankees fans together?”), invite agreement, that act shocked when your interlocutor agrees.
I second that about the headline.
I landed at JFK last month, and the US customs official who looked very terse said nothing to me except: “Massachusetts? [handing back my passport] Thanks for Johnny”. Took me a minute to understand what he was talking about.
How’s that curse of Damon’s Hair working out for you?
i like his comment. was it pure pandering to all sides? perhaps. but i’m not a sports fan who is willing to die for “my” team. when i do watch sports (usually ice hockey), i watch for the sheer beauty of the sport, not the jersey the players are wearing. and so, i found Richardson’s comment refreshing. i hate the us v. them attitude, in sports, in politics, in junior high cliques, in religion. so i say this to Richardson: excellent comment Bill!
Yankees suck?
as such, you can drop it anywhere.
you’re backed by empirical evidence.
My wife is a Richardson supporter, but almost changed her mind when she read in his book that he was a Yankees fan. His father, the senior Bill Richardson, was a die-hard Red Sox fan from Boston, so the Governor was a Yankees fan to rebel in some sense.