Vice President Dick Cheney & wife Lynne look every bit the proud grandparents with the arrival of their 6th grandchild. AP blurb.
I never thought I’d agree with Mitt Romney on anything but he was absolutely correct when he said
“Some [same-sex couples] are actually having children born to them.”
True enough. Samuel David Cheney was born at 9:46 a.m. at Sibley Hospital in Washington, DC. He is the son of the Cheneys’ daughter Mary and her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe. Welcome, Samuel! May your life be full of love and respect.
Please share widely!
To Mary and Heather. You never know, this could overall have a positive impact.
But I do think Grandpa might have kicked a few kittens on the way home.
Too Little Too Late…
Having a baby does not make one pro-LGBT and Mary Cheney is NOT pro-LGBT. She is an embarassment.
have positive impact, in spite of themselves. i mean, they’re putting gay parenting right up in the faces of the republicans. and not by any design than other than the usual – just wanting to have kids. i love it! and grampy dick is pictured looking absolutely besotted with young samuel, as a grampy should. that makes grampy’s goons grumpy. the religious right has been trying to ignore the truth that bushco has largely led them down the garden path (do you think they realize how much they have in common with LGBT people in that treatment by the pols?!). now there is no denying that bushco was never “there” for them, or at least not the dick end of the dangerous duo. there is so much to be thankful for with the birth of a healthy and well loved samuel c.
i’m not sure he remembers how.
i hope the child grows up happy and health and LIBERAL!!!
…the published picture did not include either Mary or Heather.
What gives?
BTW, under Virginia law–where the child currently resides–legally Heather is a stranger to the child. She would not be considered a mother, regardless of what she does for him.
That would explain him in the picture smiling like a father.
Note that none of the usual censors feel that this post is particulary bad. Perhaps people just think I’m insulting Dick Cheney, so the Republicans are offended. And the liberals think, well, so what, Dick has every right to be the father of his daughter’s child. Remember this thread? Stomv insisted that “There’s nothing illegal about cheating on your wife with her mother. I’m not encouraging folks to do it, but it isn’t illegal.”
It’s just that you’re acting like a child by making a joke about Dick Cheney having sex with his lesbian daughter.
I wouldn’t insinuate that he’d do the nasty with anyone! He’s got a bad heart you know.
towards equal rights. I’m not sure how Cheney manages to be so against equal rights for homosexuals, bisexuals, transgendered folk and the like when he’s got a happy,healthy daughter and now a grandson from that same daughter…it’s just inexplainable.
Do you think that they will be denied many of their needs? Are they ever going to lack the legal representation, the special favors, or the name recognition to get what they want? If gay Americans who aren’t rich and powerful don’t have the same advantages as their straight counterparts, it is very sad but much less interesting than a fat capital gains tax cut or the elimination of the inheritance tax.
Here is a diagram of “rights and priveleges”
Rich Heterosexuals
Rich Homosexuals |
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Poor Heterosexuals |
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Poor Homosexuals
I’d replace “rich homosexuals” up top with “rich and well-connected by blood homosexuals”. as raj mentioned above, thanks to virginia law heather poe is a legal stranger to her own son. she may only associate with her son at mary cheney’s pleasure. if there is ever a falling out, all the money in the world cannot buy her access to her son. she may appear to some to be up there in your 2nd-to-top tier and get some perks and bennies we commoners do not, but she is in fact waaaay down there at the bottom with the rest of us. in fact, she may be even farther below that since, look who she’d have to battle in the courts. the wealthy and powerful cheneys? forget it! heather poe is a prisoner.
Cue crazy Egg and Sperm Guy in 3…2…1…
She used a sperm donor. The egg and sperm law wouldn’t have any effect on this practice, nor would the marriage compromise civil union part.
I do think the purposeful premature language used by the writer of this post is designed to blur the distinction, both so that people assume I am talking about sperm donation and trying to take away the option from people, and to get people used to the language so they won’t really notice a difference when same-sex conception gets here. It is Orwellian propaganda to call her another mom, what will we call women that are related? Fathers?
…distinction to be made is between sane people who know you are crazy and…well….you.
he’s not just crazy, or maybe not even crazy at all. he is dangerous. relentless undermining of the human rights of gay people creates an air of permissibility to those who would do us harm, either physically, psychologically or legally. his kind of spew should not be tolerated whatsoever here on BMG. i’ve yet to hear a reasonable point to the contrary.
…every post he makes. If the powers that be won’t delete him I will call him out every time he puts fingers to keyboard.
…you want to waste your time responding to a troll. Don’t you have better things to do? Like respond to other posts or comments? As I mentioned on another comment thread in which your tactics were criticized, not every itch needs to be scratched, and responding to a troll only makes him stay.
On the other hand, just to let you know, dogging him raises the suspicion in me that you are a sockpuppet of his. Why don’t you just ignore him?
there were a limited number of readers here. but i have noticed that new and different people respond to him as time goes by. there is enough traffic here that apparently he will always find a fresh new audience to sucker in for a few bouts of “i bet I can foil that bigot even though no one else could!”. but really, your argument is beside the point, which is that such dreck should not be given a platform here in the first place. or maybe once, but never twice, and certainly not constantly and consistently as has been the case.
maybe that means it’s up to you to rethink your priorities. Why insist on same-sex conception when it only hinders real advances for gay people and same-sex couples? You are causing continued sufering to same-sex couples because of outmoded ideology.
…all a regular commenter would need to do is, whenever Howard posts a post or comment, display a warning “this guy is a nut.”
Insults, personal attacks, rudeness, and blanket unsupported statements are not permitted here. That would qualify as all four at once. If you don’t feel up to the task of responding to the issues I raise with thoughtful discussion in a respectful manner, just don’t say anything.
And I think rating a comment as “0” just because you don’t want people to know about the issue I’m raising or read the argument I’m making is an abuse of the rating privilege. According to the rules of the road, only posts that break the rules of the road should be rated zero. If you disagree with a post, use the comment feature to say so. Perhaps some of my posts have contained an insult, but usually only as a quick and hopefully lighthearted appelation to express my personal exasperation at that moment (like calling someone a dickweed recently – my bad, sorry). But people are teaming up to delete my most substantial comments that broke no rules, and that made unique and important contributions to the debate. I worked hard on them and it sucks that they were censored by some anti-democratic ideologues. I think Laurel and Anthony should lose their rating privileges if they keep abusing them this way.
As to their criticisms of BMG for allowing me the privilege of posting on this site, let me just say here that I appreciate the chance to get my ideas out to the BMG readership. I’m not here to annoy people or argue for the point of arguing, I’m really trying to raise awareness of something that deserves more attention. I am trying hard to do something that I believe is incredibly important and so I need rational and thoughtful people to hear what I’m trying to say. I hope the BMG editors respect that I am sincere and not a troll or bigoted, and that is why they allow me to continue to push my cause here, whether they agree with it or not.
…me then? I’m no sock puppet but you seem to be a bit of a hypocrite.
Think you, Laurel, and Howard could get a group blog where you can insult each other and spam each other to your heart’s content? I’m tired of every other thread being taken over by you three sticking your tongues out at each other.
to the editors. they need to know that the hateful crap spewed by John Howard, and the responses to it, is bothersome to other people, and for reasons divergent from my own. that aside, thank you for finding fault with me speaking up against blatant bigotry. if i say SABUTAI IS A NAPPY HEADED COCK SUCKIN HO, will you ask others who point out the hatefulness of my dangerous comments to go to some other blog? no, you’d go to the ultimate source of those comments (me) and the editors. it is shocking that i have to explain this to you. why do you not take seriously the blatant bigotry being spewed daily around here? it is wrong of you to whine to me or anyone for calling John Howard out on this crap. here is my apology to you: i’m sorry if the homophobia aimed at people like me bores you. yes, i’m all to blame for it’s continuance. i’m down, please kick me.
So don’t play the victim one.
If you said “SABUTAI IS…”, I wouldn’t enter into a long debate that would draw attention. I’d let the comment stand unanswered so people could see what a fool you’d be. John Howard is a bloviating idiot, obviously, and quite possibly a bigot as well. That’s why I don’t engage with him — I don’t want to add fuel to the fire. If you want to continue feeding the trolls, knock yourself out. If you want to proclaim yourself a victim for starting and continuing fights, enjoy that, too.
how i started this fight. i am not the main person responding to him – he gets plenty of response from many other people. it’s too easy for you to just slam me with “get up off the floor mary”. newsflash: sometimes the victim is the victim. but hey, thanks for piling on.
…not you, not the editors of this blog, Mr. Howard or anyone else for standing up to such blantant hate and bigotry. You don’t like it? Tough luck. If the marriage amemdment makes it out of the June ConCon alive this is what the next two years are going to look like.
You don’t want to deal, go get your own state that is not on the verge of becoming a political circus.