I would be buying low and watching it soar.
The silence surrounding his very insightful, informative and entertaining radio show is deafening.
Sure the ratings dropped for that time slot when he took over. He replaced an intellectual lightweight that offered nothing. Therefore all those semi-retarded listeners left when he left. Finneran was too smart for them.
But Jason Wolfe knows what he is doing. And Finneran’s show is catching on. Especially with educated people who thought they would not like him. In fact, they are finding out that Finneran is not the guy that the Boston Globe and others have made him out to be over the years.
He is too conservative for my taste but that doesn’t lessen his effectiveness and his ability to cut through crap and argue facts. And he shows respect for callers with different points of view. His daily chat with Steve Bailey offers more in 10 minutes than most other talk shows offer in a week.
I expect his show over the next 12 months to take off and climb the ratings table.
I get a kick out of these media know it alls who say you can’t have a “pol” as a talk show host. Hmmmm. I thought it was the individual and their ability to communicate intelligent ideas and encourage discussion. And of course there are the other talk show hosts, sports radio included, waiting for him to fail and knocking him on their shows. What a brotherhood.
The thing is, put one of them in a discussion with Finneran and they will be exposed, to the extent that they already haven’t, as complete shallow frauds.
(Quick note about Gerry Callahan- 1979 high school football super bowl at B.U.’s Nickerson Field. Callahan was playing for Chelmsford High. They were losing at near end of game. They needed a touch down to win. Either a kick-off or punt return led to a Chelmsford player making an unbelievable run for a touchdown which would have won it for them. But wait – there is a flag. About 40 yards away from any of the action Callahan gave an opponent a cheap shot and got called for it. No touchdown. No SuperBowl victory. But Callahan got his cheap shot in. True Story that Callahan tries to hide. But his team mates remember. And they weren?t surprised)
But anyway, when Finneran’s probation is up he will rip into ATF Director Michael Sullivan. A US Attorney that was promoted rather than fired like eight others. A US attorney who can follow orders without question. A US attorney that understood the White House wanted Dems indicted. A US Attorney that did what Karl Rove said and indicted one. A big one in Mass.
The indictment was a disgrace.
2. a few weeks ago i heard finneran interview rudy g. it was horribly sycophantic. i’m not sure Tom F has found his voice yet. but i have hopes.
I am surprised at Finneran’s support for the war. But I don’t turn him off feeling angry at him like 99% of other talk show hosts. I am not screaming at the radio when I disagree. Instead I am thinking to myself, ‘Tom, you should no better that that’.
…but that’s because I knew that in any other state in the Union, The Speakah would be a Republican. And an intelligent one at that.
Bailey whines a little too much for my taste. I wish he’d bring back Warren Tolman, who made an excellent co-host in the “Jane, you ignorant slut..” mold.
He is a wannabe media personality
… I think I’m up to my eyeballs in media already. But Steve Bailey’s a pretty awesome columnist — definitely gives the show some cred.
He really is worth a try.
…if only indirectly. His employer is Entercom. Buy that company’s stock. It is doubtful, though, that Finneran’s contribution to Entercom’s stock price would be more than a drop in a bucket.
I haven’t listened to WRKO in years–between the hatemongers like Michael Whiner and Rush Lamebrain and the clowns like Howie Carr, I haven’t seen any reason to–but understand something. The issue about whether Finneran’s show will survive is not whether or not he is smart. The issue is whether he can attract a big enough audience that advertisers will choose to advertise on his program. His program is merely the filler between advertisements. The real customers in an advertising driven medium are the advertisers.
The choices (for the most part) had all the appeal of a Republican primary ballot.
Jay Severin runs alternately from hideous to supremely inciteful. When he gets away from bashing Hillary Clinton or immigrants, and focuses on inside political strategies, he brings more to the table than anyone else on local radio.
And what’s with putting Michelle McPhee on WTKK, and on this ballot? She has a voice for print. I would rather listen to nails scraping across a chalkboard.