A few weeks ago, Geo Bush declared himself dictator. The new National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive kicks into effect during any “Catastrophic Emergency”, which is defined as
any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.
Is that specific enough for your comfort level? It’s not for mine. I mean, the next flood of the Mississippi would fit those criteria. And who will rush in to our “rescue”?
The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government.
For those not up on the Vietnam (undeclared) War, “Gulf of Tonkin” refers to a ruse used by the US government to come up with an excuse to go to war. Bush being what he is, I postulate that he we precipitate the “need” to enact this Directive in a similar manner. Or heck, maybe now that the hurricane season is warming up, maybe he’ll just sit back and wait for mother nature to create the “emergency” he needs as an excuse to sieze power.
Is this constitutional?
centralmassdad says
I guess the question is whose definition of constitutional? The unitary executive’s?
I’m not all that bothered because these kind of contingency plans have been in existence for decades, in case of a large scale nuclear attack by the USSR.
While I agree that this particular bunch is not to be trusted with such a power, that is simply a function of their unsuitability for exercising the executive power, period.
Jan 21, 2009 is coming.
chimpschump says
(For those not up on the Vietnam (undeclared) War, “Gulf of Tonkin” refers to a ruse used by the US government to come up with an excuse to go to war.)
The DEMOCRATS led us into that one . . . Probably the Republicans are a little bit smarter . . .
Have a nice day,
john-hosty-grinnell says
Ya the republicans are doing a smashing job. BTW, if you don’t think there is another “Gulf of Tonkin” in our cards, you might want to ask yourself why we now have enough mine sweepers off the coast of Iran to stage a full invasion. They dont support ground forces in Bagdad, that’s for sure.
raj says
For those not up on the Vietnam (undeclared) War, “Gulf of Tonkin” refers to a ruse used by the US government to come up with an excuse to go to war.
…since at least as early as 1954. American involvement in the Vietnam wars didn’t begin with the Gulf of Tonkin resolution in 1965.