Seth Gitell pens kind of a curious article in this month’s Boston Magazine (HT: David Bernstein) about Gov. Patrick and, well, us. That is, Gitell seems to use this blog as a stand-in for “the grassroots”, and suggests that we (that is, the entire community here) get used to Patrick having insiders like Doug Rubin on board.
It’s a brief article, so I’ll be brief in response: Setting aside Gitell’s (somewhat unfair) dismissal of Patrick’s relevant administrative experience, I admit to a sigh of relief when Patrick brought on Joe Landolfi, David Morales, and Rubin in succession. I think it’s a false choice to say you can have either experienced pros or idealistic outsiders. What you want is idealistic insiders — you know, like the West Wing, right?
And I’ve been pleased that the administration does seem to have found its rhythm: Since April, they’ve been putting out a steady stream of solid proposals (the eminently sane Municipal Partnership Act) and downright home runs, like the Lowell interchange and the Evergreen Solar deal. And we’re looking forward to a big deal with next month’s education plan.
For us, the question of “inside” vs. “outside” is not a matter of personnel. Frankly, I don’t care that much who’s running the show, because for the most part I don’t know these folks personally. “Inside” vs. “outside” is a question of who holds influence with our leaders: Is it moneyed special interests on Beacon Hill, or is it jes’ folks? Is it Godzilla vs. Mothra politics, or is it Norman Rockwell politics? Do the grassroots have the power to say to the governor and legislators, “Be our hero!” — thereby allowing them to ignore the lobbyists at the doorstep?
I’m perfectly comfortable having the insiders get the work done in there, as long as they know it’s their job to look out for us out here.
I’ve been banging this drum for far too long. It’s not about insider or outsider — it’s about insider culture vs. outsider culture. When judging a supposed “insider” or “outsider,” I generally ask these types of questions: What mindset does a legislator or governor bring to the table? Can they work creatively? Are they beholden to corporate or other ties? Do they think only in terms of political gain? What are their true goals? And more than that, how do they achieve them?
is John Walsh, Patrick’s campaign manager and now the head of the state Democratic party. No one in their right mind would describe Walsh as an “outsider” — he knows and can play the inside baseball of MA politics better than anyone I can think of. Yet he is the one who masterminded Patrick’s successful grassroots/”outsider” strategy, because he gets what matters to people who really are on the outside.
It’s not about where you work. It’s about your values.
Very “idealistic” about civic engagement, old-tyme grassroots politics, social capital, yadda yadda yadda — and at the same time he’s thoroughly professional and gets the job done. I think we’re now recapturing some of that combination.
when he hitched up with Deval. Now he is insider like anyone working for Deval or state Dem Party. So i guess I am not in my right mind David.
Tell me what inside power John Walsh had before he hit a homerun with Deval?
someone in southeastern MA?
As for your not being in your right mind, well, I rest my case! đŸ˜‰
The fact that I have to go to southeastern mass to find some inkling of a power base shows Walsh was a nobody, politically speaking. No offense to Walsh. This is not my definition of an insider. An insider is a person wo actually pulls some stringsd once in awhile on Beacon Hill or washington or to a much lesser extent Boston City hall.
Tell me, what Speaker or Senate Pres. or Governow or Ways and Means Chair was Walsh inside with? What strings did he ever pull on Beacon Hill.
Southeastern mass argument suggests he was not a player at all. Big fish in a very small pond in a place that nobody with power cares about.
This is not a knock on walsh. He knew what he was doiing and how to do it. He didn’t have to be an outsider to do it. He knew how to keep the kool aide drinkers happy and build from it. In fact, i bet he is insulted by the inside moniker. That suggests he had lots of help from “real insiders”. He didn’t. Kudos to John Walsh. He earned it.
…the duties of the chairman of a political party are as follows:
(i) Raise money for the party, for use in supporting the candidates;
(ii) Try to recruit candidates to run, particularly in the primaries;
(iii) Raise money for the party;
(iv) Help organize campaigns for the party’s candidates;
(v) Raise money for the party*.
There may be other duties, but those are the primary ones.
Apparently Mr. Walsh, as campaign chairman for Deval Patrick, showed that he apparently could perform these reasonably well.
Note that
(vi) developing policy for the party
was not among the duties of the party chairman that I mentioned. That is the function of the actual politicians–the ones who can at least survive their respective primaries.
It is different in parliamentary systems, where the parties control the parties. But that’s the fact here in the US.
*This repetition is not intended as sarcasm. It is intended as a recognition of reality.
…not only a question of whether or not Walsh was an insider, but also whether or not he was well known by the outside. My point was that it was not necessary for him to be well known by the outside in order to become and perform his duties as chairman of the party.
that was my point. he is now. but he wasn’t until the dau deval got elelcted.
I had to counter the two 6s. More as comment on then 6ers and not you.
i think you do care. You were just schooled on the definition of an insider. đŸ™‚
I asked you to explain why, in your opinion, Walsh was my definition. you won’t give me your definition. Is a local selectman an insider outside of his town? Please tell me what made walsh an “insider’ prior to the election.
Instead I see a new side of you. i’m the fresh prick here, thank you. there is only room for one of us. please do not lower yourself to my level.
David has, in the past, accused me of being an insider for reasons I can no longer remember, but to my continued amusement. He has a very different idea of what makes an insider than you or I might.
you should work for the state department
“What you want is idealistic insiders — you know, like the West Wing, right?”
No, I want people who know what they are doing and can get it accomplished.
I guess if I was stranded on a desert island I would want the Professor and Ginger with me, right? I mean the professor knows what to do and Ginger would seduce me to get her way. Just like “Gilligan’s Island”, right?
I mean that’s the real world just like the West Wing. Right Charley?
because she never had to ask – things just were done for her. probably she got all the banana cream pie she wanted too…
And when she ate those beets grown from the radioactive seeds that washed up in the lagoon she worked like there was no tomorrow. We could use her on the island.
…we were suckered by our unwavering support of DP. Even though I voted for him I winced when he started talking about lowering property taxes.
I thought, oh, no, he ain’t gonna get away with this. anyone who pays property taxes knows that the rates are set by the cities and towns, not the governor.
But when I saw that the press was giving him a pass on the issue I was relieved. I knew the fix was in and that he could continue to pretend that he would lower property taxes and we, the sheeple, having waited so long for another D in the Corner Office, wouold forgive him when he got into office.
Oh, sure, he could return greater amounts of Local Aid to the cities and towns but nobody in their right mind would think for a minute that if the cities and towns got more Local Aid they would in turn return it to the people in the form of a lower tax rate.
But that’s okay. I’m not bothered by campaign trail hyperbole so much as I am that he’s got staffers from dimasi and travaligni highly placed in his office. it all comes down to SSDD.
Why is it a probelem that he hired serious professional people from the offices of the Speaker & Senate President?
So you are saying that he can lie and bullshit you in a campaign (I am not saying he did) but he the most horrible thing he could do is hire experienced people from the Legislature? GASP!!!
they want everything they want and no room for compromise. It is there way or highway. kool-Aide Drinkers only need apply