AP reports on today’s faculty senate meeting in Amherst with UMass President Jack Wilson. Sen. Rosenberg thinks the fix was in against popular UMass Amherst chancellor John Lombardi:
AMHERST, Mass.: The proposal to reorganize leadership at the University of Massachusetts came under harsh criticism Thursday, with a state lawmaker calling it a plot by trustees to oust John Lombardi, chancellor of the flagship campus.
“We believe there’s been a steady effort to undermine his administration and his status here,” Sen. Stanley Rosenberg said during a meeting of faculty members at the Amherst campus. The Amherst Democrat said he was referring to himself and some colleagues in the Legislature.
“We believe he’s been forced out because he’s a strong leader, an intelligent leader,” he said. “And the leadership in Boston can’t deal with that.”
I am told that Rosenberg got a standing ovation.
UMass President Jack Wilson was at this meeting, and says it was all just a misunderstanding, saying (paraphrasing): Actually, it’s a year-long review process, you see, and faculty, staff and students will have their chance to look at it. And Lombardi agreed to the basic outline! Uh … Lombardi wasn’t there today — a conspicuous absence, no? — and I gather that the audience wasn’t buying it.
So here’s what I don’t know yet: What’s Wilson’s motivation in sacking Lombardi? In any event, it’s obvious that a lot of people feel that UMass has been treated pretty shabbily by the state’s political establishment, the latter treating the former as its political plaything. I wonder if this is the point at which the university system starts to fight back effectively.
Will they be strengthened by the Governor’s new emphasis on public higher ed? Does the Governor need to step in and mediate this mess?
PS: That breeze, Jon? Backdraft. Doesn’t that exchange sound a little different, knowing what went on in Amherst today?
I think there’s a basic question that needs to be considered: are these moves personnel moves or organizational changes that necessitate moving people around and/or out?
If Wilson is looking to make some fundamental changes in the way the system and campuses within the system work, then the conspiracy against Lombardi is garbage. And if nothing else changes besides the President’s office having greater oversight in Amherst, that’s still a fundamental organizational change, not a personel move.
If in a year they name a new chancellor for UM,A, then you’ve got a case that they were just trying to rid themselves of Lombardi.
But it seems like an awful big production to put on just to get rid of someone.
I think they need to put out more infomration, disclose the master plan and at least some of the details.
Here is a useful backgrounder on the history of UMass’ organizational structure, from our former house newspaper, the Campus Chronicle. It was compiled in 2003 and so leaves out Jack Wilson, but Stephen Tocco shows up beginning in 1991.
(Thanks to my colleague Rick Adrion for the link.)
My annual donations to UMass were dedicated to the Campus Chronicle, until they eliminated it. Those bastards!!!
I would love to have been able to read Fitz’ story about this week’s events in the CC. Which, alas, is why it is probably no longer there.
A great summary, with just the right dose of sarcasm and wit.
Now I’m going to be nostalgic the rest of the day and bore my wife when I get home with stories of the days gone by in Amherst.
Thanks Dave.