Our country has a twenty-million-person problem. http://www.csmonitor…
This is the rather realistic number of illegal aliens estimated to have broken and entered our country and stayed. Illegally here though they may be, they stayed. And our government isn?t doing a damned thing about it. http://www.city-jour…
?Give me your tired, your poor; Your huddled masses longing to be free.? Nice sentiment. Problem is the word ?free? should probably be changed to ?freeLOADER!? Not only does our government do nothing about them, but we give them:
? Driver?s Licenses http://www.theameric…
? Social Security benefits http://www.snopes.co…
? Free medical care http://www.worldnetd…
? Free education ? sometimes with PREFERENCE! http://immigration.a…
Wanna stay? Have an anchor baby. http://www.vdare.com…
Want welfare? Sure, why the hell not? http://www.worldnetd…
The other part of the problem is not so simple, and is FAR more dangerous and threatening:
? Gangs and gang members. Uh, Massachusetts, they?re RIGHT NEXT DOOR! http://washingtontim…
? Terrorism. http://www.cis.org/a… http://www.moonbatte…
Americans, we have a problem. We are paying the way for freeloaders, who take advantage of our system, our generosity, and our ignorance of their wiles and deviousness. It is high time we woke up, turned off the telly, and put our Congresspersons and Senators and President on the hot plate, and KEPT them there until they FIX THIS MESS!
I like it here. I would not like this country to fundamentally change, or belong to someone who didn?t help make it our country. There are about twenty million criminal aliens who would like that not to be so. How do YOU feel about that last?
I?ll reach across any isle to gain folks who will work this problem with the politicians. And for me, that?s quite a reach! (Just ask David!)
It is high time to force Caesar to RENDER BACK!
has mandated “immigration” to keep US wages down. Are you less driven to argue for a “raise” when you know your job can be easily outsourced to India? Oh, and in 1997 the Kyoto accords exempted two “developing” countries from CO2 emissions. Most people I talk to don’t know those two countries are India and China.
Then of course there is this.
How did we get to the point of giving up America?
Mixing the races makes it harder to unite people and keeps government in business in an attempt to “fix” the problem.
Next time, turn off the computer before you open up a bottle of Jack Daniels.
I assure y’all that my dairy has nothing to do with race. I am married to the most beautiful Japanese-American Princess on the face of the earth, and she has given me five wonderful children. With six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren thrown in for good measure, we have quite a family. My Japanese Brother-in-Law, a respected international businessman, married late in life to a Sichuan Chinese lady who rivals my wife in looks, and I adore my nieces and nephews. At Christmastime in our Christian home, you can hear six languages spoken, including Tagalog, Malay and — SPANISH?!? MEXICAN Spanish?
Get outa the race card-playing. It doesn’t cut the grass on my playing field.
On the other hand, get INTO the legitimate behavior of legal immigration, and understand that if you are legal, you are welcome in my home. If you are here illegally, and visit my home, I will hold you for the police. Given the current attitude of both Democrats and Republicans, you’ll probably be back at my door five minutes later, but this is ONE American who is sick and tired of criminals breaking and entering my country!
You’re Wampanoag, I assume.
I’m an AMERICAN. Citizen. Taxpayer. Hard-Working.
So are the Wampanoags, if they choose. Illegal Aliens are NOT Americans, nor are they entitled to MY money!
Have a nice life, if you can find it.