The clerk is calling the Senate roll now. A House machine vote will follow.
Brown, Panagiatakos, Moore, and Hedlund are the only “yes” votes I heard [update: Creedon also voted “yes”]. DiMasi has now started the roll-call, and has refused to hear any interruptions.
The roll-call will take 4 minutes.
Total votes: 45 yes; 151 no.
ConCon is adjourned.
A glorious victory for the forces of equality.
Please share widely!
34 NO
anyone count differently?
The gay marriage ban is “dead in the water”.. the words of poet/musician david Gray
and who took a walk? let’s applaud them loud and long!!!!!
Creedon votes yes in the Senate, too.
When Candaras voted against the amendment, DiMasi grinned and pointed. đŸ™‚
The institution of marriage has remarkably been left unchanged – only now, all couples get the same access. So, good times.
Does anyone have a link to the full roll-call and who voted what? Thanks!
i thought we had a good grip on who stood where. Now that the vote has taken place it’s time to write thank-you notes, both to those who switched and those who took a walk.
WHO ARE THEY? I’m writing checks tonight to their campaign committees!!!!
This news brought tears to my eyes.
I’m not gay, nor am I married, but that’s not the point. This was about justice and fairness and respect.
I’m also proud of the work PDM did on this issue. Our Northampton chapter, in particular, worked the phones hard. I hope we can take some of the credit for moving Senator Candaras to see the light. Our Cape Ann chapter worked hard on this issue as well, as did many, many of our members across the state. I haven’t heard yet whether the Gloucester Rep changed his vote.
I’m also proud of our work to help elect a Governor who was willing to take the time to lobby hard for this issue. I remember two years ago, when a friend of mine met Deval for the first time, she asked him directly what his position was on equal marriage. He looked her straight in the eye and said, “That’s a no-brainer, it’s a civil rights issue!” She joined his campaign that day.
Together we can! and together we did!
out for the long haul though. They will try to milk this as a denial of the people’s will. Listen to morning talk radio (both Finneran and Barnicle) to hear how they will spin this.
“Thank you all for showing what it’s like to be active citizens.” He asked the crowd to “celebrate, but don’t gloat…this liberty is secure, but the price of liberty is constant vigilance” and reminded activists that “the folks on the other side of the question are still our brothers and sisters.”
The offices of the congress-critters who did the right thing should get thanks and congratulation by phone/email/personal notes. This is the best way to ensure they do the right thing in the future.