My girlfriend got an email saying there was
” AN EVENT” With Lt. Gov. Murray & Gov. Patrick – MON. June 18th, @ 1:00 PM behind Worcester City Hall.
I have searched everywhere, nothing. But it came from a trusted member of the Patrick inner circle.
Any ideas where to verify this? Emails – for Leary or somebody?
Don’t want to miss it, if true.
Please share widely!
designermama82, this is from my email-
Join Governor Deval Patrick and Lt. Governor Tim Murray
at an event to support the Municipal Partnership Act
Governor Patrick and Lt. Governor Murray will be in Worcester to talk about the Municipal Partnership Act. All are welcome. Bring a friend.
Where: Worcester City Hall
When: Monday, June 18th at 1pm.
455 Main Street Worcester, MA.
Hope that helps. If you go, please post on the event here, since they apparently think a good time to talk about important issues is midday on a workday.
Makes sense now…since Worcester is 8 million dollars short in this year’s budget!
Several of us that aren’t able to work will be there. With bad public transportation here, (DON’T GET ME STARTED), evening meetings and rallys other than at City Hall don’t work.
Thanks for the advice.
downtown workers use the Common at lunchtime……