Are you going to YearlyKos? Would you be interested in helping organize regional caucuses there?
kid oakland asked me to see who from Connecticut is going to YearlyKos and would be interested in helping out. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can make it to YearlyKos this year.
You can get more information here.
In speaking with k/o, I said that I’d spread the world around to some of the other states in New England in hopes that we can get some good organizing going.
Please share widely!
Don’t know if I can officially volunteer to do any organizing, since I have a lot of irons in the fire right now. But I will be attending the caucuses, barring any unforseen circumstances.
It’s going to be a blast. Last year was phenomenal, even more so because no one expected a grassroots, all-volunteer effort to garner so much national political and media attention. The best part was all the “ordinary” people I met (Mark Warner’s chocolate fountains notwithstanding).
Talking face to face with folks you’ve only met online is a real rush, kind of like a big family reunion where you get to meet people you never knew personally but who have a connection to you nonetheless.
And I’ve always wanted to visit Chicago!
He touted the anti-gay bigot Democrat Stephanie Herseth for the House in 2004, who went on to vote for the federal anti-same-sex-marriage amendment.
Kos is about as worthless as Clinton was.
We would have done much better had Herseth’s GOP opponent won, right?
It used to be easier to answer this because times weren’t so black-and-white partisan–you could count on a Lincoln Chafee, say, to vote with the Dems very frequently. But not any more.
I honestly don’t know what I’d do in that situation.
on local blogging on Friday Aug 3, 2:30-3:45 pm. If you’re around, come by and say hello!
my panel will be 1-2:15 on Friday.