Wendy Williams, author of “Cape Wind”, is signing her book Wednesday night at 7pm, at the Borders in Back Bay on Boylston St. And she’ll be doing a talk at Titcomb’s in Sandwich on Saturday 6/16 at 4pm.
The book recounts the various political pressures around the proposed wind farm. You can read a long excerpt from the book — the “prologue” — at Alternet. From what I’ve read, it’s quite harsh on the well-heeled opponents of the project, and rather lionizes Cape Wind developer Jim Gordon — although he is, after all, trying to make a buck in the energy biz, by whatever means.
The book is at its strongest when recounting the efforts of various elected officials to scotch the program, most infamously US Rep. William Delahunt and, of course, Ted Kennedy. The Don Young chapter is really quite a fun read.
Interestingly, you can hear an interview with Delahunt on the local NPR station WCAI. He basically forsees (threatens?) “endless lawsuits” over the project, regardless of the regulatory rulings; and wonders about the effect of whale-watching in Nantucket Sound … Since there is in fact no whale-watching currently in Nantucket Sound, one wonders about the good Representative’s authority on other matters.
Whale watching in Nantucket Sound? Perchance the representative is confusing Stellwagen Bank with Nantucket Sound. But then again no one ever accused the representaive of being the brightest bulb on the tree. Amazing how he continues to be re-elected all things being equal.
It’s a shame that none of the cops who worked in Norfolk County haven’t written a “tell all” book re Mr. Delahunt, or even the first Mrs. Delahunt. The archives of the Patriot Ledger have some interesting stuff.
His own book will be titled: Laughing All The Way To The Grave
If Texas can do it, what the hell is wrong with this state?