Dr. James Holsinger, chosen by the Decider to be Surgeon General, founded a “recovery ministry” in Lexington, Kentucky which tries to cure homosexuality, along with its faith-based treatment of substance abuse. His nomination goes before the Health and Labor Committee chaired by Senator Kennedy. The Anti-Violence Project is calling for scrutiny of whether he advocates witch-doctoring to turn gays into straights:
June 3, 2007
Senator Edward Kennedy
315 Rayburn Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Kennedy:
President Bush?s nomination of Dr. James Holsinger to be Surgeon General of the United States is of grave concern to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community, both in Massachusetts and nationwide. His association with quack ?conversion therapy? aimed at gays and lesbians in Lexington, Kentucky raises significant and worrying questions about the impartiality and scientific integrity of his medical judgment. We write to you in your capacity as Chairman of the Senate Committee through which Dr. Holsinger must pass if he is to be confirmed in this high office.
According to the Lexington Herald-Leader in a story reported June 1, Dr. Holsinger founded the ?Hope Springs Community Church? in Lexington, Kentucky. A focus of this church is ?recovery ministry,? the pastor Rev. James Calhoun told the Herald-Leader. Along with homelessness and addiction, one of the ?afflictions? it addresses is homosexuality. ?Conversion therapy? or ?transformational ministry? falsely claims to turn gays into straights. Quoting Pastor Calhoun, the Herald-Leader article continues: ??We see that as an issue not of orientation but of lifestyle,? he said. ?We have people who seek to walk out of that lifestyle.? On this point, the church would differ with many gays and lesbians, who consider their sexuality a matter of identity, not a lifestyle choice.?
The American Psychiatric Association condemns the practice of ?conversion therapy? which attempts to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. The APA holds that ?there is no scientific evidence that reparative or conversion therapy is effective in changing a person’s sexual orientation. There is, however, evidence that this type of therapy can be destructive.” According to the APA, ?conversion therapy? runs the risk of harming patients by causing depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior. In addition to the APA, the American Psychological Association, the American Association of Social Workers, and the American Academy of Pediatrics reject reparative or conversion therapy.
In light of the propensity for injury to mental health, the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project regards ?conversion therapy? as psychological violence against gays and lesbians. It is deeply disturbing that President Bush would nominate someone for Surgeon General who founded a ?ministry? which reportedly tries to ?cure? homosexuality as it would heal addiction. Dr. Holsinger?s association with this repudiated, anti-gay practice?witch-doctoring not medicine?raises concerns about the extent to which non-scientific considerations cloud his professional judgment. Questions also arise as to any harm Dr. Holsinger?s actions might have caused.
We urge you to give thorough scrutiny to Dr. Holsinger?s possible involvement in a medically condemned practice which does demonstrated harm to the gays and lesbians unfortunate enough to suffer through it. Based on the information reported in the Herald-Leader, we oppose the confirmation of Dr. Holsinger. At a time when the LGBT community, and indeed science itself are being challenged by prejudice cloaking itself in the guise of religion, we cannot afford to have the nation?s top physician peddling quack cures for an immutable characteristic like sexual orientation.
I will follow up with your office. Your office is also likely to hear from the organization ?Truth Wins Out,? headed by author Wayne Besen, which is a national leader in confronting the so-called ?ex-gay? movement. Truth Wins Out has considerable expertise regarding the absurd but tragic history of attempts to change gays into straights. Thank you for your consideration, and your longstanding leadership on issues of LGBT Equality.
Don Gorton, Chairperson
It is highly disturbing that the President should nominate Holsinger for Surgeon General. Whatever happened to the promise medical doctors make of “Do No Harm”? Efforts to change a person’s sexual orientation have been proven harmful to the individual. Some people are unhappy with their sexual orientation because they have internalized the hatred our bigoted society hurls at them. Treating them as sick, rather than addressing society’s bigotry itself, is downright twisted and vindictive. Any medical doctor engaging in this sort of psychic witch hunt should have their license suspended.
What are your true feelings on this subject?
LOL — I agree with you. I’ve noted that scientific integrity seems to be a drawback if you want to get a job in the Warp Resident’s misadministration.