This is cool, and scary: From New England Integrated Sciences and Assessment, you can download the temperature dataset and make nifty graphs. Here’s the sea level at Boston since 1921:
All data for Northeast US are “Revised Local Reference” (RLR), measured in mm and can be used for investigating long-term trends.
The RLR datum at each station is defined to be approximately 7000mm below mean sea level, with this arbitrary choice made many years ago in order to avoid negative numbers in the resulting RLR monthly and annual mean values.
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that works out to about 3 mm/year
or about 9 inches in average lifetime
sand on barrier beaches migrates inland faster than this. Here is salt marsh peat formerly on landward side of dune at Lighthouse Beach, Edgartown:…
…but I have one question. Does some of it reflect the fact that the mean sea level is rising, or could some of it be that Boston is sinking? The reason I ask is that it is widely accepted that Venice’s problem with the Adriatic is primarily due to sinking because water is being pumped out of the underground acquifers.