<a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/Politics/story?id=3329017&page=1 "
Credit:ABC News
The martyrdom of Seamus the Irish Setter, strapped to the roof of the family car in his dog box by Mitt Romney and driven for hours on the highway until he lost control of his bowels, is now well and truly running in the media/Internet spin cycle. The Globe, which broke the story, offered a comprehensive review today (including some of David’s incisive commentary), along with intriguing references to a video of a singing dog atop a station wagon and T-shirts that say “I do not support the Romney Fresh Air Tour of Canada.” Sadly, I could not find these. Please add links in the comments if you know where they are. ABC News has the story here.
Discussion on blogs from PETA to FreeRepublic has been lively. The headline: Romney tortured his best friend, in front of his children, to resolve a problem.
There are still a few unresolved issues here. I think we owe it to poor Seamus to follow up on them.
The MA statute of limitations is 6 years in this case. It only takes a minute to do the research.
I doubt a jurisdiction exists with a 20+ year statute of limitations for animal cruelty. To put it in perspective, the statute of limitations for forcible rape in MA is 15 years.
No one likes Mitt Romney, but come on, prosecuting someone for being really mean to a dog 20 years ago? You’re overreacting.
…nobody is suggesting that Romney be prosecuted over this incident. The issue is what this says about his judgement.
That might have been issue of the previous BMG post about the Romney-dog fiasco, but not Bob’s post. I suggest you read it again.
“There are still a few unresolved issues here. I think we owe it to poor Seamus to follow up on them…[t]here was a lot of discussion yesterday about whether Romney can be prosecuted in Massachusetts.“
Why would the poster wonder whether Romney can be prosecuted if not because he’s suggesting perhaps he should be prosecuted? Just to satisfy his intellectual curiosity?
Potroast has it exactly right downthread. We have to keep things lively around here đŸ™‚ Thanks for your excellent legal research.
Now, about those Canadian statutes …
And I think Romney deserves every bit of mocking this causes for him.
Here we have a man who questions the ability of gay parents to raise children, but this man isn’t even capable of caring for a dog.
I am going to relish watching this man humiliate himself and spend millions of dollars on a vain quest to pet his ego. I can’t wait to see him lose, badly.
The same people he is trying desperately to court right now while throwing his own state to the wolves will be his own undoing. They are bigots, and they won’t like him for being different either. He thinks that just because he sides with them on gay marriage they are going to forget he is a Moron Mormon. Correction, when this is done, no one will forget he is a moron.
All the Mormons I’ve ever known are good, kind people. His dishonesty must be killing them, and it can’t be doing their public image any good.
…his father, George, must be twirling in his grave at the dissembling of his son.
What Would Seamus Doooo?
I think you mean
Where would Seamus doo?
Massachusetts? NH? Ontario?
Doggy doo.
You’ve never heard of it?
since he dooo’d on top of the moving question, the joke is where was the car.
When I read that Mitt Romney has tied his dog to his Wagon Queen Family Truckster like Aunt Edna, I had three reactions:
First, Seamus??!! It’s always about the Irish! Perhaps we should get a few guys from Southie and tie our former Governor to the top of a car. I would imagine that the wind blowing through (and messing up) his hair would be great punishment for him.
Second, How did the dog like Wally World?
Third, there will be a backlash over this. People will criticize the “liberal press” for taking this incident and blowing it up into more than it is. They will say that when he was young and stupid, he did young and stupid things. I hope that it doesn’t take away from a real examination of his record here. This guy makes me nervous as the primaries are front loaded this year and after he does well in Iowa and New Hampshire, he could be off to the races.
Finally, I wonder if Romney ever took this dog “varmint” hunting? Can you imagine if he caught anything? He’s the only hunter I know who would put the dead deer in the back seat and tie the dog to the hood!!
Oh yes, and finally, finally, how is it that a guy who names his son Tagg has a dog with a name like Seamus? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
The hive mind of BMG bows to none. The son Tagg/dog Seamus comparison hadn’t occurred to me, but it is inspired. As to “varmint” hunting and dogs riding on top the car, one FreeRepublic commenter thought this photo shed important light on this matter:
…The Beverly Hillbillies was a great satire–of the Beverly Hills folks.
Do I really get to use that excuse till I’m 36? Isn’t that middle aged? At what point does one cease to be young and stupid? Personally, I think I’m missing out on doing a lot of fun, irresponsible, stupid things by not taking advantage of these Young and Stupid years. Tsk.
…one of the Republican’s impeachment managers in 1998? He claimed that his dalliance with a married woman who was not his wife (which tore that family apart) was a “youthful indiscretion.”
Hyde was 39 when that happened. Apparently, Republican males are entitled to engage in “youthful indiscretions” for their entire lives.
I would love to hear from a professional’s point of view what the dog must have felt. Romney wants to say the dog loved it, is that possible?
I know you asked for a vet, and I am responding with geeks, but they are very good and highly qualified geeks who can describe what happens when you strap a dog crate on the roof of a moving car. ABC News did an investigation, and the full text of the article is online.